Date night (part two)

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"Hey. So I got a date. You want to come over and help me get ready?" I said to Nikki over phone

"Of course. Wait is your dad home?" She said wanting to be safe. "I would never put you in harm. He's working till 11 to night is come on." She took a moment

"Ok I'll be over in five." She hung up.

I rushed up stairs. When Nikki got here she knew to go to my room just in case.

She gave  me a little outfit to wear. I put it on and she hides my scars and put my make up on.

"Okay I think you're ready." She said. I stood up. "Okay you want to drive me to the rail road tracks?" I said grabbing my purse. "Of course."

We get in her car and she dropped me off. "Call me if he try's to kill you." She yells out the window as he pulls up.

I wave back and he opens the door for me. I sit down and when he gets back he dead looks me in the eyes.

    "Mate." He states and pulls me in his lap.

"No please no don't hurt me." I say trying to get out if his grasp.

I suddenly feel calm. "Why are you so strong?" I whisper he nibbles my ear. "No one told." He said looking me in the eyes.

"Told me what?" I said at this point confused. "You're a werewolf. Who are your parents? What pack are you in?"

I started laughing. "You're funny." I said still in his lap. "I'm going to take you to my pack." He said putting me back in my seat.

As we drove off he was mumbling to himself. I couldn't hear what he was saying because of the music.

We pulled up to a mansion. "Is this your house?" I said in aw. "Yeah. Now come on we need to talk to my dad.

When he grabbed my hand it felt so good. Like fireworks.

We made our way to an office. "Hey dad my mate has a problem." He said talking to his dad.

'I have a problem. Am I a freak'
I said to myself as they talked.

"Stella what are your parents name and your pack." Parker said then grabbed my hand.

"Um my mom was Sarah Hall but she died when I was two. And my dad is Nick Hall and I have no idea what a pack is." I said as Parker rubbed my back.

Parker's dads name is Josh and he told me every thing about being a werewolf. Like the moon goddess and mate and packs.

"It sounds fun." I said then they chuckled. "Parker, go take your mate outside and teacher to shift." Parker's dad said.

We stood up and walked out of the office. "Let's go you need a change of clothe." He gives me a pair of his underwear and a shirt.

"Go to the bathroom and put theses on." He said.

I do as I'm told. I walk out with the underwear slowly falling down. Parker's eyes turn dark with lust.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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