Date night (part one)

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I woke up from Nikki alarm clock. I sat up and looked around Nikki walked in with a plate with eggs and bacon on it.

"Thank you, Nik" I said taking the plate "Stella stop. it's fine."

I stood up and walked to her window. "He should be at work by now."

I gathered my stuff and crawled out the window and put my stuff in my scooter. "I'll see you later, Nikki" I said about to drive away. "Wait, happy birthday Stella." She said. I smiled "seventeen." I said as I drove off.

When I got home I slid in my window and started clean up some. I walked up stairs and picked up some bottles and took a nap on the couch.

When I woke up I cleaned the hole house and the dishes. I went down stairs and enjoyed the clean room.

I sat on my bed and texted Parker. 'Hey are you still single?'  I said.

I don't know why I'm doing this. He text back fast. 'Not if you don't want me to be ;)' He said I took a deep breath. 'What are you doing to night?' I text. 'Taking you on a date.' He said then my heart dropped. 'What am I going to wear? Why do I care? Because it's my first date." I said to myself

"I got to text back." "Ok I'll meet you at the rail tracks." I said then called Nikki.

It rang for a minute. "Hello?" She said

Don't tell, princessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora