So this section will explain our agenda and what we will do as a book club. Of course, our main goal is to give exposure to the undiscovered writers and the writers of the unpopular genre. The books we read will be based off of our members and what they write.
Every Sunday a new book of the week will be chosen. The book of the week will be announced on our message board, so please make sure you check it every week. At the end of the week, we will have a discussion thread and talk collectively together about the book. Our likes and dislikes, questions for the author, etc etc. The discussion link will be posted on the message board as well for easy access. Then the next week's book will be announced!
If you are chosen to choose the book of the week, I will message you. Don't worry, everyone WILL get a chance. But remember, we are here to support everyone and not just get our own books read.
We will also have contests! But that will be later as the book club progresses. It is not mandatory to enter, but you have to be a StrangenessCharm member to enter. If you refer another member to join, you will get a shoutout on the page. You are all valued members, and recruiting more people to join our family is especially appreciated.
Also, we are all here for each other. If anyone is in dire need of a friend to talk to, or needs help, you should definitely talk to them and give them encouraging words when they are in doubt. Feel free to message the presidents of this club contoursandhooligans and bubblimi, if you have any questions or concerns or just need someone to talk to. We are all ears.
So, please make sure to check the message board frequently and participate in the group discussions about each week's book. If you have any ideas about possible contests and small events involving the club, please message us. We consider everything and want everyone to grow as a whole.
Rules and Conditions of the Book Club
AléatoireThis is the Strangeness and Charm Book Club. Here everything will be explained about what we do, what we are about, our threads, people, etc etc. If you are new to our book club or you want to join, the first place to look would be here. Rules and C...