Care bear

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*carolyns pov*

When finally got to Damon's apartment. It was small but nice and homey. He had a hammock in his living room which made me giggle a bit.

"Nice hammock Damon"

"Oh thanks. Haha its actually more comfortable than it looks"

"Really" I questioned. I mean it might be cool to sit on and all that but comfortable too. And I would probably fall off of it anyways.

"Yeah get on it"

"Nahh. I'm good"

"Oh come on"Damon said with his puppy dog eyes

"Oh fine. But I swear to god if I fall off I'm gonna kill you."

He stared at me wide eyed

"Haha Damon I'm fucking kidding."

I said while attempting to get on. I got on it but then I slipped and fell into the floor.

"Godammit damon what did I tell you."

"Haha I'm sorry."

After that Damon showed me around his apartment and showed me the extra bed room that I would be sleeping in for the next week. I got all settled into my room (I guess that's what you would call it for now) it's was a pretty nice looking room. It had plain white walls with a black bed with black dressers. It had one window in it that overlooked the city.

I got my pajamas on then headed into the living room were Damon and I were going to have one of our famous movie marathons. When I came out popcorn was already pooped and on the coffeetable along with all of my favorite
Candy and favorite pop.

"AWWWW Damon you still remembered!"

"Uhh duhhh why wouldn't I?" He said with a grin.

"So what movie are we going to watch."

"Oh you know. Just your favorite movie in the whole wide fucking world."

"BATMAN?!?!?" I asked excitedly.

"Yup" Damon said while once again grinning.

Damon got settled down on his hammock while I curled up in a really nice looking (and very soft) chair. I missed Damon so much. I can't believe after all this time we are finally Able to see each other. I thought he wouldn't like me anymore. I mean we haven't seen each other in a couple years. I just figured he would have moved on I guess.

*andys pov*

The house is so quiet without cars around. I miss her so much. I wonder what she was doing right now? Well fuck tard why don't you ask her you do have her number. Well I am officially an idiot. I grabbed my phone off if the table and text cara.

A: hey Cara :)

C:Hey what are you up too :)

A: not much the house is so quiet without you here :(

C: aww Andy don't worry I'll be back soon.

A: yeah I hope so. Me and the guys need our Carolyn back ;)

C: haha yeah I miss you guys too.

A:I guess I'll leave you alone now. Text me tomorrow?

C: of course I will :) night Andy.

A: night Cara.

Welp at least I got to talk to her. Just then the guys came in and dragged me out of the house saying that WE were going to a club and that WE were going to have some 'fun' but I couldn't have any fun. I was still thinking about Cara.

We arrived at a really shitty looking night club with a whole bunch of drunk whores grinding on dudes that were probably high as fuck. Yeah sure some of the girls were what most peso ole would call 'pretty' but damn Carolyn was fucking beautiful. When we got in the night club Ashley went off to get some drinks and then probably get a slut while me and the guys got our drinks and sat at a table.

"Andy listen." Jinxx said while looking at me seriously. "You need to stop thinking about Cara. She's going to be back."

"I know man......but...." I stuttered out I really didn't know what was going on with me.

"What are you worried about? We all know she liked you just as much as you like her and nothing is going to change that." Jake said and I knew he meant it because he used to like Cara the way I did. He watched her fall for me and not him.

"Okay guys I guess your right......."

"Now drink some beer and have a good time" cc said with a crazy smile.

So I may have got a little too drunk that night and I may or may not have slept with another girl..... I know I'm an asshole. But me and Carolyn sent officially yet. I figured that I would just leave this fucking girls house and forget about the whole thing. Until I saw who was laying next to me.


How could I. I'm a jerk. I'm an asshole. I'm a fucking idiot. Why would I do that to Cara. I was on the verge of tears when I realized I need to get the fuck out of juicers house. I jumped up put on my clothes and gathered my things. I ran out of that house, down the street and back to mine and the guys house. I am such a fucking dick.

*carolyns pov*

I woke up to see that I had fallen asleep in the chair last night while Damon was asleep on the Hammock. Damn we made a mess. There was popcorn every wear and candy wrappers so I decided to be the nice friend that I am and clean up the living room.

When I finished Damon was still sleeping so I jumped in the showing and got ready for the day. Damon told me some of his friends (who were also you tubers) were coming over today so I wanted to look as nice as possible.

I put on my black veil brides shirt (obviously I was missing the guys) and some maroon skinny jeans along with my maroon beanie and some black vans. I straightened my blonde hair and fixed it so it was my normal scene type looking way (yes I explain that very well) and did some black winged eyeliner. Dang I look hawttttt. Haha just kidding.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Damon just waking up.

"Morning sunshine" I said while laughing a little

"Ughhhh what time is it" Damon mumbled still obviously half asleep.

"Uhh 11:30" I said while checking my phone.

"WHAT?!? THE GIYS ARE GONNA BE HERE SOON!!!!! I GOTTA GO GET READY!!!" He said while attempting to get up but falling out of the hammock.

I just stood there while laughing my ass off.

"Your meannn" Damon whined while gettin up.

"Ohh poor damon" I said with a fake sad face.

"I'm gonna go get ready he said with a smile. Peacekies." Damon said with a smile while walking into the bathroom.

I went into my room and started freaking out. What if Damon's friends don't like me. Will Damon not want to hang out with me anymore?!?! Is he going to ditch me for them. I curled up into my bed and haut laid there thinking for a while. Until I heard a knock on the door

Oh shit

Unbroken // Andy Biersack \\Where stories live. Discover now