Chapter 2

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I was having somewhat of a decent day, until 4th period. I was sitting in AP Biology, watching a video on cell formation, when my phone beeped. It was Jesse.

Jesse: Hey Sam, you need to come down here.

Me: Why? What's wrong?

Jesse: Fight

I froze. Normally, none of my brothers resort to violence. We have quite the fighting experience. Our dad made us, especially me,  do some sort of special defense classes. I did karate and boxing for a few years. All my brothers did boxing, and various other classes.

Me: Who is it?

Jesse: At first, Trey. Then the rest jumped in. Also Derek. 

Me: Where are you guys

Jesse: field behind C-hall 

Dammit, That was all the way across school

Me: Alright I'll be there

I might be a girl, but I am very protective over my brothers. You hit them, you deal with me. I am proud to say the least, they all jumped in. We are all close like that. That's how we were raised. Our dad always told us " When one gets hit, you all better feel the blow." I started getting out of my seat, when Sydney yanked my arm. " Where are you going?" She whispered. " Fight." I whispered back. Sydney's eyes got wide, she knew that when they fought, it was serious. She shot up out of her seat. We bolted out of the classroom, ignoring Mr. burns's yelling. We ran to the C-hall, almost ripping the exit door.


It was a huge circle. Everyone was chanting. We pushed through the circle, my anger rising. it was a bad sight. it was 10 against at least 20. That made the entire football team, against my brothers. I ran to Dylan, who was on top of Conner . I yanked him by the collar of his shirt. " What the fuck are you doing?" He spat at me. "This." I replied, punching him square in the nose. I heard a satisfying crack. " You bitch!" he shouted cradling his nose. Then Ethan and Evan came towards me. " Bring it on assholes." Ethan came on my right side trying to tackle me. I grabbed his arm and flipped him. He shouted insults as Evan came for my leg, I stuck my foot out, kicking him in the face. I looked around at the stunned crowd. I ran to go help Mason.


" I can't believe you all right now." The principal shouted at us. " This is not accepted here at this school." Everyone has detention, you are dismissed. Except for Samantha, Conner,  and Trey." I sat back  in my seat. " Do you understand how serious this is?" Principal Jenkins said. Because of Samantha here," "Sam." I interrupted. " Sam," He continued, "4 players had to be sent to the hospital." He looked over at the football coach, coach Moore in sympathy. " Thanks to you , our team can't go to state this year." It's not my fault your players are all assholes, who in reality, got what they deserved." Trey and Conner were snickering. " Is this funny to you?!" Coach shouted."ENOUGH!" Principal Jenkins shouted. " You all have a week suspension." I got up and stormed out of the office, making my way out of the school. I pulled out my phone calling the one person i knew would drop everything for me. " Yeah sis, whatcha need?" he answered. " Will, can you come get me from school?" I asked, anger radiating from my voice. " Everything okay?" " I'll explain when you get here." I said hanging up.


" What?!" Will shouted. We were sitting in some diner, getting lunch. " I'm so serious." I said, eating some fries " A week fucking suspension?" he asked. " Yes. Dad's gonna flip his shit." I said. i was so pissed it wasn't funny. I have never been suspended from school, EVER.  My phone started ringing again. I picked it up, looking at the caller ID. I put it on silent. Conner has been blowing up my phone, along with Trey. " Conner?" Will asked, getting his credit card out, " Yes, and I don't give a shit." I said getting up from the table. Will payed, and we walked out. " Where too?" he said, getting the keys. " Home, I'm gonna get my surfboard and my wet suit."." Ditto." He said pulling out of the parking lot.


When we got to the house, I jumped out and went to the garage, when I pulled up the door, I couldn't help but smile. I walked over to the surfboard. "I love you mom." I whispered, before picking it up and taking it to Will's car. He gave me a sad smile, as I put the board in the back. "Hold on, I have to get my suit." I ran inside and into dads study. I went into the closet and pulled it off the hanger. The sweet smell of hibiscus flooded my nose. Tears flowed down my face. I pulled myself together and walked out. I walked downstairs to find Conner and Trey sitting on the couch. They both turned around, seeing me. I walked out the kitchen door, slamming it on my way out. I made my way to the passenger seat and got in. Will started the car. " Did they try to talk to you?" He asked, pulling out of the driveway. "I don't know, I walked out before they could say anything." Will nodded, not saying anything for the rest of the drive. I looked out the window, looking at the beach front passing by. The ocean had a calming effect on me. I felt all my anger fade away.

When we pulled up to the shop, Sydney was standing out side, looking at her phone. I jumped out of the car, grabbing my board from the back. " There you are, where the hell have you been?!" Sydney yelled as Will unlocked the doors. "Out." I said shrugging. " Yeah, not good enough." She said walking through the doors. We walked to the dressing rooms and changed into our wetsuit. Normally, me and Syd would leave our stuff in our locker, but I was wearing my moms wetsuit today. Whenever  I would surf, all my emotions would fade away, keeping me open minded. We raced out to the beach, laughing like we were 11 again. I jumped with my board into the water, Sydney following me. This is where I belonged.

Hello my readers *creepy person wave* thanks for reading this chapter, I kinda had writers block, so I hope it turned  out okay.. I promise next chapter will be better.. Read, vote, and.. that's it ,,,,, peace out!!

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