Chapter 4: Sun, Waves and Bikini Bods

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"Hey dad. Sorry I didn't call immediately." I say once my dad's face comes into view in my laptop screen.

"I guess your mom got you occupied." He laughs and his chinky eyes grow smaller. "I'm just glad you got there safely baby girl." He smiles at me. I miss my dad and it has only been 2 days since I left him or since he forced me to come here. "How is your mom and Jeff?" He asks turning serious. Of all the years since him and mom got divorced dad never tried dating anyone.

"They're okay dad. Mom seems glowing about her wedding. Jeff is still the same, stiff as a board and we still hate each other." I tell him and see the sad smile he has at the mention of mom. "I don't get why you even made me come here when I could have stayed there with you." I frown at him which he responds with a grin.

"You say you and Jeff hate each other but I know deep down you both care for one another. You're siblings after all." He grimaces which tells me he's in pain. He sees the concern in my face as he waves his hand dismissively. "I'm okay Des. I just have attacks here and there but nothing too serious."

"Maybe I should just come home dad." I tell him only to get a head shake.

"I want you to have time with your mom and brother. I'm stronger than you think dear daughter of mine." He tries to ease my worry with a smile but I can see he's in pain. "I bet your mom will be the most beautiful woman on her wedding day." He shakes his head. "No, that can't be it. She is and always will be the most beautiful woman anyone would ever see." As he says this brown eyes have gone gentle and he looks at me. "You have your mother's eyes, you're the perfect copy of her and you have her good looks." He pauses. "And my good looks. You can break hearts anywhere you'll go." I shake my head at my dad. My mom was beautiful but my dad was also handsome and I guess I'm the product of both their looks. "Well I should let you sleep. Good night my sweet daughter. Have fun there okay? Maybe find love as well." He tells me and I say my I love you to my dad before ending the call. I close my laptop before plopping down on the bed. Find love I don't think I can ever find love here.

I wake up to my phone ringing on the bedside table. Without opening my eyes, I reach blindly for it. Opening one eye, I see my best friends face on the screen before I take the call.

"Please tell me you have a death wish for calling me so early in the morning." I say getting a chuckle from the other line.

"Well hello to you too. Just thought I'd ask you if you're really in California since I saw it on your page and your dad told me as well."

"I really don't see why you couldn't have waited to call me when it'snot 7 am." I grunt my annoyance only getting a laugh from him. "I swear I'm going to kill you."

"You won't kill me since you love me."

"I did love you but since you woke me up when I was having a good sleep, I think I'm gonna kill you as soon as I see you." I threaten jokingly.

"Yeah yeah. Tell you what, let's meet up and hang out. I know you love the beach so let's go surfing. I'll text you the address."

"And what if I say no?" I challenge.

"I will find you and drag you out." I know by the tone of his voice that he has a contented smile on his face.

"Fine. I'll see you then." I hear him say his good bye before dropping the call. A few minutes later I receive a message from him telling me to meet him at the nearest beach. With a sigh, I get out of the bed and change into my swimsuit.

"Mom I'm going to the beach to hang out with Ken." I tell my mom when I get down. She looks at me confusingly making me explain that Ken is my best friend and he has been studying here in California since we started college.

"Why don't you eat breakfast first?" She tells me gesturing to the kitchen. I simply shake my head to her and tell her I'd grab some breakfast in some diner. "Okay well, take my car since yours hasn't arrived yet." She hands me the keys and I kiss her cheek before going out the door.

Trust me when I tell you I almost got lost and miraculously, I find myself parking the car in the beach's parking lot. Despite being early in the morning there are already quite a respectable number of cars in the lot. I get out making sure to wear my sunglasses before walking to the nearest hut where they serve food.

"What happened to 'I'm never stepping a foot in that place ever again'?" I hear Ken's voice turning to the side to see him smiling at me.

"What can I say? I was forced to come here for a wedding." I answer him before we hug each other. "Good to see you Kenny."

"Good to see you again Des. You look like you can break hearts now." He teases looking me up and down. "If I didn't consider you my sister, I'd date you by now." He winks playfully making me do gagging noises jokingly. The food I ordered arrives and Ken sits on the stool beside me, ordering his own meal.

"Oh Kenny even if I swung that way, I wouldn't even consider dating you." I stick my tongue out to him as he dramatically puts his hands on his chest making me laugh.

"Ouch. Way to destroy a man's esteem." He says in an overly dramatic voice getting an eye roll from me.

"So you're a man now?" I laugh at him as I take a bite off the sandwich.

"Hey now! I've always been a man!" He argues but I can see in his eyes the playful glimmer.

"Yeah yeah. If it'll shut you up." I wave my hand dismissively as his food arrives and we eat our meal in silence. Once we're done, we go down the beach to see people getting their tans and look for our place. I place my towel on the sand before lying on my stomach while my best friend applies sunscreen on my back.

"I'll go get our surfboards since I know you won't be bringing one." Ken says before he runs back to the parking lot leaving me alone. I look out to the sea to see waves good enough for surfing before scanning the beach.

"Hey sexy. Want me to apply sunscreen on you?" A guy with his buddy says to me while he stands in front blocking the sun. I give him a smile while assessing him. He has dark brown eyes, 4 packs and dimpled smile.

"Sorry but I already applied my sunscreen." Just as I say this Ken comes back with two surfboards. "This guy right here helped me." I add pointing to Ken. The guy looks at him up and down before looking back at me.

"Boyfriend?" He asks.

"Oh nah. I don't swing that way. I play for the other team." I wink at him as I stand up and take one of the surfboards from Ken. The guy and his friend are stunned at my revelation before I walk past them with Ken shrugging at them. Ken and I start laughing as we near the water, still seeing the two guys standing frozen on their spots.

"Did you see the guy's face?" Ken laughs as we paddle further up the water.

"How can I not? He was blocking my view." I laugh with him and sit on the board. "Is it always like that with you guys?" I ask him which he shrugs.

"Let's see if you still got skills." He says and that ends our conversation as we enjoy the waves.

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