Chapter 17: The Pieces Have Fallen

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I watch as Destiny's car disappear before hopping off the hood. There is something I need to do, someone I need to face. I jump into my car and drive back to the city, I would never forgive myself if I run away now.

As I drive through the busy streets of California my mind thinks back to the moment I almost got my proper first kiss from Destiny. I find it sweet how she tried to make me feel better and I'm still trying to wrap my head around her admission. If I'm honest, I cursed the moment her phone rang and she's forced to go home but also relieved cause I need to clear my head. I park my car outside the building and taking a deep breath before getting out of the vehicle. I walk straight to the familiar room to see my mom talking to some of the tech guys and as I walk closer to her, I finally notice the last person I want to see. His blue eyes find me and he starts walking to where I am, frozen on my spot while my mom is oblivious. She notices me before looking at the man who left her all those years ago, she says something to her crew and they all go out of the room leaving the 3 of us.

"Samantha." His voice is reserve as he regards me.

"Father." I answer with the same manner.

"Your mother told me you like to hang out here and help her out at times." He runs his hand through his blonde hair. "Your friend earlier should be more respectful to people older than her."

"Destiny isn't fond of people who walked out on others." I tell him and I see his jaw clenching as he controls the anger building inside him.

"Samantha." Mom warns me. I look at her and she seems to have been under the spell of my charming dad. "This is still your father you're talking to. Show some respect." It isn't surprising to me if she takes his side because despite the fall out of their relationship, she still loves him. He is still her true love. "Destiny has always been a disrespectful girl. I have seen how she treats her own mother." When mom says this, I heard a snap inside me.

"Shut up." I tell her with so much venom in my voice.

"Excuse me?" She asks. I can see the anger swirling in her eyes.

"Shut up mom. I know you still love him for whatever reason and I'm not surprised to know you will take his side." Mom glares at me and I glare at her back, never backing down from a fight. "But don't you dare say anything bad about Destiny. You have no idea who she is and don't act like you have the slightest idea of who she really is!" I yell at her and feel a sting on my cheek. My mom, for the first time, has slap me out of spite.

"Where are your manners?! Is this the influence that girl has on you?" She yells back at me. "Is this how you treat your mother?" I couldn't help but laugh mirthlessly at her question.

"Since when did you ever act like a mother to me?" I challenge her but before she could say anything, I continue on. "Ever since he left us you never acted like a mother to me. You left me to survive on my own and now you dare say that you're my mom?" I scoff looking at them both. "You two really are perfect for each other. Both of you have forgotten about your only child." I turn on my heels and is about to walk out of the room when his voice rings out.

"Don't you dare walk away from us Samantha!" He says making me look at them.

"You taught me how." I say to him and I'm out of the building in a blur. I don't really remember the moment I decided to go to the beach because of my anger towards my parents nor do I remember sending a message to the one person I want to badly see right now.

"Hey stranger." I hear her voice behind me and as I turn around to look at her, I didn't expect to see a distraught looking Destiny. "You okay?" She asks as she takes a sit beside me. She must have seen the look on my face. "You look like someone whose hamster just got killed."

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