Chapter 12: Jealousy Leaves a Bitter Taste

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I don't know why the image of Sam and Destiny cozy up together bothers me so much. The first time I felt such feeling was when Sam wrapped her arms around Destiny's shoulders and resting her chin there. It's as if she has claimed the girl as hers despite knowing each other just that night or how I shouted for an explanation when I saw them on the floor. It didn't look like Destiny was uncomfortable at all with such compromising position in fact, she seemed very contented. I couldn't help but feel jealousy seeping through my veins but of whom? And why would I get jealous? I didn't feel anything for Samantha nor do I harbor romantic feelings for Destiny. Maybe I'm just being protective over her since she's my boyfriend's little sister and I've witnessed Sam's past relationships. Yeah that's it. I'm just protecting Destiny from a potential heartbreak.

After the dinner party and seeing a confrontation between Destiny and Clarice, I didn't get the chance to talk to any of them...mostly to Destiny because I was on a business trip with Jeff. While Jeff is on another business trip for his firm, I decided to visit Destiny and see if she had made peace with her mom. I ring the door bell and Clarice opens the door with a smile.

"Hi Kate. Come on in." She steps aside, letting me in before closing the front door. "I thought you'd be with Jeff on his other trip?" She asks.

"I told him I got tired with all the law stuff and I wanted to help you out with the rest of the wedding preparations since it's in 2 weeks time." I say to her gaining a grateful smile from the woman.

"Oh that's very sweet of you Kate. Well there's not much to do anymore since Samantha has lend a helping hand alongside Destiny." She explains making me frown.

"Samantha Baltimore?" I ask to clarify.

"Yes. She's been coming over lately. In fact, she's upstairs now with Destiny." She informs me with a smile. "I think those two are becoming good friends although Sam really flirts with my daughter. I have to agree they would make a cute couple." She laughs while shaking her head lightly.

"Speaking of Destiny, are you two okay now?" I ask gently.

"We're still working on things. I did talk to her already and I know I should give her time to heal her wounds. I'm just glad she didn't leave." She smiles before excusing herself. I look up to the stairs, having an internal battle inside me before deciding to go up. I stop by the third door, raising my hand to knock when I hear someone groaning from the other side. I turn the knob and throw the door open to see Samantha on top of Destiny on the floor, legs tangled up together.

"SAM!"I yell prying the girl off of Destiny. "What the hell?!" I hold her arm before she snatches it away angrily.

"Before you say anything, it's not what you think." Sam says helping Destiny up. "And have you forgotten your manners? I know you're dating Clarice's son but you still have to knock before entering someone's room." She adds.

"What happened?" I ignore her and choosing to look at Destiny for explanation.

"Well, we were watching this movie on my laptop when she started tickling me. I tickled her back and before we know it we fell on the floor." She explains nonchalantly as if the position they are in wouldn't raise eyebrows. This is the second time I've seen them in such positions although this time, they're positions are reverse. I give a sigh of relief before looking at their outfits, both are just in their undies with razor back shirts. "We were sleeping and I usually sleep nude." As if knowing where my thinking is at, Des adds.

"And so what if we're in a compromising position Kate?" Sam starts moving to wrap her arms around Destiny's waist and resting her chin on her shoulder. "We are dating anyway." Those words hit me like a bullet train.

"What?"I ask hoarsely.

"Destiny. And. I. Are. Dating." Sam says slowly as if speaking to a child. "So I don't see why it's a big deal to see us tangled up." She adds. I look at Destiny and she just seems comfortable and the sinking feeling in my stomach confirms it. Sam has made her move and has captured her newest prey.

"What the hell did you do Sam?!" I yell at her. "What part of our talk did you not understand? I told you to stay the hell away from her!" Sam frowns, her arms moving to tighten her hold on Destiny and Destiny's hand moving across the length of her arms in a comforting manner.

"Oh I understood everything Kate. I just didn't see why I should stay away from her. I like her." She argues glaring at me. Destiny looks back and forth at us, trying to decipher the situation.

"What talk?" She asks but addressed it to both of us.

"Destiny, stay away from Sam. She's a player. I saw her play around with people's feelings in school. She'll only break your heart in the end." I quickly tell her before Sam manages to utter one word. "I told her to stay away from you and to play with someone else but apparently she didn't listen." I add, glaring at the taller girl. "So before you get your heart broken end whatever it is you have with her now." I look at Destiny who is looking at Sam.

 "You think she'll still do that to me?" Those blue eyes glance at me challengingly. "I appreciate your concern over my dating life but I can assure you, no one's going to break my heart." I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off. "I can handle myself Kate." She rests her hands on Sam's, curling her fingers to fit the redhead's. "Besides, we're still dating. We're not girlfriends yet." Despite with those words, I have a bitter taste in my mouth from the jealousy I felt.

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