Chapter 9: Accidental Kiss

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"So Destiny, tell me why you have such a sad face when you're supposed to be happy?" I'm currently walking with Samantha around the backyard while our moms mingle with their friends.

"Considering I just met you, I don't think it's wise to tell you things about me." I tell her as we reach the dessert table. "How about telling me a little about yourself and maybe I'll give you something." I tease as I put some of the desserts on my plate.

"What makes you think I'll tell you things so easily?" She challenges picking up a chocolate ball. I'm about to respond to her when she places it on my lips, cutting off whatever I want to say. "I made them myself. I hope you like it." She explains. "Now open your pretty mouth." I did as she tells me and she pushes the chocolate inside my mouth. She licks her fingers while I let the chocolate ball melt in my mouth. I make sure there's no more chocolate in my mouth before speaking again.

"So you model and bake. Tell me which one do you prefer doing the most?" I ask.

"Take a guess." She simply answers walking around me to place different desserts on her plate. I follow her down the table and pick some of the pastries.

"Are you going to keep up your 'mysterious beauty' image?" I ask her while we walk to a table.

"Maybe. Like I said, I'd want you to come look for me. If I tell you everything about me, I'll lose my air of mystery now would I?" She grins widely.

"Is this your way of asking me out?" I ask playfully.

"Maybe. But if I'm going to make you my girlfriend, I'll give you more than just chocolate balls." She winks, letting my eyes follow her tongue as she licks the chocolate off her lips.

"And what makes you think I'm gay?" I challenge. She smirks, leaning forward till our faces are so close I can smell the chocolate and strawberry scent from her breath.

"I have amazing gaydar. And also I saw your eyes follow my tongue." She whispers leaning away in content. I lean back as well, scooping some parfait ready to eat it up when she leans to me. "How bout spoon feeding me that?" She opens her mouth and I just simply put the spoon in her mouth. She's shock when I did feed her but recovers quickly, giving me another smirk as she leans back in her chair. I scoop one for myself and quickly eat the parfait watching the guests mingle among one another. I see Jeff and Kate on the buffet table, probably discussing something by the looks of it. Kate's gaze finds mine and she smiles, waving a little before walking towards the table.

"Hey, mind if I sit here with you?" She says to me then notices my companion. "Sam? I wasn't expecting you to be here." She says while Sam stands up.

"My mom made me and I heard there's this cute girl around so I wanna check her out myself." She answers as they give each other a kiss on the cheek. "And I wasn't disappointed." She glances at me quickly which Kate follows and she frowns before plastering a smile on her face.

"Are you and Destiny somehow acquainted?" Kate asks as she takes a seat on my left while Samantha pulls her chair closer to mine.

"Yes as a matter of fact, I've been meaning to meet her since my mom mentioned her to me. I also helped in editing her photo shoot. Although there's nothing much to edit with such beauty." She puts her arms around my shoulders and rests her chin on it as if we've met a long time ago instead of less than an hour. Jeff comes to our table and sits next to Kate, looking at Samantha then at me. "Hello Jeff. You're still as stiff as the first time I met you." She grins and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"And you're still as gay as I could remember." Jeff retaliates.

"After all this time, that's still your jab at me? Come on Jeff, you know it doesn't hurt me anymore." She takes one of my pastries and places it on my mouth. I open my mouth and take a bite of it before she eats the rest. "Why can't you be like Destiny over here?" She kisses my cheek as she leans back in her chair. If Jeff was a cartoon character, he would have steam coming out of his ears at Sam's jab. "I'll see you around cutie." She stands up and walks to where Ella is.

"Control your girlfriend next time Destiny." Jeff says angrily. "And since when did you turn gay?"

"She's not my girlfriend but if she was, I'd let her say whatever she wants." I stand up leaving the couple behind. There is no way I can stand being in the same table as my brother without the thought of killing him crossing my mind. I walk back inside the house to cool down, deciding to take a seat on the couch. Mom didn't seem to notice my escape which I'm thankful for. I needed some time to be alone to think of things. Just as I close my eyes, the power goes out and I hear screams from the backyard. I wait till my eyes adjust to the dark before trying to find my way back to the kitchen where I can see a small light glowing. I'm surprised I didn't bump into anything on my way to the kitchen, well that is until I bump into someone and we fall to the floor. Even without the need of my eyes, I'm well aware that my lips are pressed up against someone else.

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