Chapter 6

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Nikki’s Pov.

“Oh my god!! I cant believe he did that!! No way!” I rolled my eyes listening to Kennedy talk on the phone with one of her other preppy friends. Kennedy was a bottled blond that I had to work with at Sun and Sand. She was extremely (and not from the sun) and had dark green eyes. She always looked like a clown because of her over use of make-up and was a complete bitch. Yeah sit may seem a little harsh but its true. I continued to listen to her annoying squeal as I looked out the store window and out onto the beach. The waves were pretty good for surfing and kids were all running around having a good time. I looked around to see if we were bust, and thankfully we weren’t.

“Hey Kennedy, I’m going on break, text me if ya need help with anything.” She waved me off and laughed at what the person on the other end had said.

I got out from behind the cash register and grabbed my camera and my wallet. Walking out of the store I took a deep breath and walked towards the sea. Putting the camera up to my eye I took pictures of little kids making sand castles and the waves. I felt my stomach grumble and I rolled my eyes at myself. I tucked my camera into its case and walked to my favorite beach stop called Surfs Up. I opened the door and heard the bell chimes. I smiled walking up to the counter where Zach was sitting playing a game on his phone.

“Hey shit face!” I smiled walking up to the counter. His eyes trailed up from his phone and he showed a large smile

“Hey sexual!! How are you? You haven’t been around in a while!” Zach said standing up from a chair he had been sitting on.

“Work has been rough, and with getting into NCAU I haven’t been out very often.”

“Wow you got into NCAU!!!! Congrats Nikki!!” He said leaning over the counter to give me a hug.

NCAU is the North Carolina Art University, the best school in the state for art, all you do during the time your there is draw and paint. No math or normal classes just drawing. I had signed up and had to send in different pictures that I had taken, drawing and painted. I go to the art classes from 5-7 and I work at the shop from 10-3.

“So what am I getting you today? Do you want the normal or try our new chick sandwich!!” Zach smiling

“The normal please, I have to leave soon so please put it in a to go bag, also put a salad in there for Alice, she is dropping by later.”

“Will do beautiful!” Zach said writing everything down and running to the back. When he came back he had 2 bottles of water and Alice’s salad. I waited for my sandwich to be made and I watched as Zach ran around the back and started to fix things around  the shop. I saw a couple walk in and Zach put on a smile and started taking their order. I took out my camera and snapped a few pictures of Zach being himself. Zach was naturally cute. He had dark green eyes and sandy blonde hair that always fell in his eyes when he was working hard. His smile held a unknown smirk and a great smile.  He must have noticed I was taking a picture because he turned to me and gave me the peace sign after the couple had left with their food.

“ya know the term take a picture it will last longer, doesn’t actually mean take a picture right?” He said giving me a bag that held my lunch for the day

“Really? Im glad I know now!! Bye Zach, see ya soon!” I said walking out of the air conditioned store and into the warm sun of spring. I walked back to the shop to still see Kennedy on the phone and someone walking around the shop.

“Hello! May I help you find something?”  I ask setting my food behind the counter

The girl turned around. She smiled slightly and walked over to me.

Nothing More (Zayn Malik love story AU) (Will not be continued)Where stories live. Discover now