part 3 continued

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I woke up the next day and decided i would do everything in my power to avoid Niall. I took a long shower and got dressed. Today i was wearing a pretty floral dress and a pair of brown sandals. The weather was warm but i still put on a cardigan so i could cover my scars. I even managed to have some breakfast which was quite contrary to my usual habits. When i reached school i expected people to stare, but no one even raised an eyebrow. I was so tensed wondering whether Niall had opened his mouth to anyone. Nothing seemed odd. I met up with Hazel and Zaira and we chatted along as though nothing had happened. Finally it wasn't as bad as i had imagined. He must have kept it to himself afterall. Good, else i would have skinned him alive. The morning went by rather quickly and soon it was lunchtime. I was seated with Hazel in the cafeteria, when i spotted Niall. He was laughing with a group of guy friends. As i looked closer, i could see this girl there too. She looked bored to death. She was about to leave them when Niall grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. Jeez...i felt disappointed. Part of me hated him for having grabbed my arm, exposing my scars like that, but another part of me had also imagined what it would be like to have someone like him as a boyfriend. And now seeing him hug her...I turned away and continued to pick at my food. Every now and then though i would secretly look his way to see what he was up to. And everytime i wished i hadn't bothered because he was all over that girl. Hazel caught me looking his way.
"That's Niall. Do you know him?" She asked.
"Not really, but he's in my accounts class," i replied seeming uninterested.
Hazel then told me that he had apparently been really popular in his previous school and that the girl, Gloria, had been his girlfriend for the past year. He had swapped school so he could be closer to her because she was a student at Crustmount.
The word girlfriend echoed in my mind. Damn, the one guy i decide to look at and he had to be taken. But then i shook those thoughts away remembering that relationships cause nothing but pain.
My parents' marriage was a clear example and a good enough reason for me to avoid these feelings as much as humanly possible.
The bell rang for the afternoon period. It was time for accounting. I decided i was going to totally ignore Niall and act as if he did not exist. That was what he deserved anyways. He came to class late. Obviously too busy with his girlfriend i guessed. He sat down beside me again after being reprimanded by Mr.Aron.
I unclipped my hair and pushed it all to one side, so that he wouldn't be able to see me through my hair curtain. I tried to focus all my attention on my calculations. Unfortunately i ended up dropping my pencil case down and as i moved to pick it up, i saw his hand reach before mine. I didn't dare look up. He placed it back on my table. "Thank you," i whispered but he said nothing. I doubted he even heard me.
At class end he left before anyone else. I was glad about that. But just as i stepped outside the classroom i felt someone come up beside me. Without even looking i knew who it was.
"Hi," he said his incredibly manly voice. I continued walking hoping he would give up and leave me alone. He just followed me. "C'mon why won't you talk to me?" he asked feigning a hurt look. I stopped and stared at him.
"You know exactly why, so just stay away. Besides shouldn't you be walking around behind your girlfriend like her little puppy right now? So don't waste your time with me and get going," i answered back trying to sound as spiteful as possible. But instead of being offended by my words, he just started laughing. That got me even more angry. And i continued to walk away.
"I'll see you tomorrow stranger," he called out from behind. This time people turned to stare and i turned bright red. Damn that guy.
After school Hazel invited me to her place. I gladly accepted the offer as it put off me having to go home for a little longer. Her mum greeted us with a plateful of mini pizzas, my favourite.
We watched a movie and chatted mostly about clothes and shoes. It was very easy being with Hazel. Our tastes were so much similar and we agreed to almost everything. In her, i felt like i had found another sister. But then i couldn't share my life with her. Sometimes i wondered if my distant nature would someday cause me to lose her. I hoped not. I had lost one sister and didn't want to lose another.
When i went back home i started my homework and finished at around eight. My dad was watching t.v while my mum was reading in her room. Thankfully today was comparatively peaceful at home, so i decided i could play some guitar. I loved writing songs. Sometimes it was the only way i could express myself.
I heard my phone beep. It was a message from a number i didn't recognise.
"You're name and number wasn't that difficult to find", it read.
" who the hell is this," i replied, "get a life."
I tossed the phone back on the bed and continued playing my guitar.
Whoever it was didn't bother replying after that.
The next day i arrived at school earlier than usual because i stormed off while my parents got into yet another argument that morning. I was sitting quietly going over my accounts notes when someone covered my eyes from behind. They weren't a girl's hands that was for sure. I tried asking who it was but no reply. Eventually when i gave up bothering the stranger removed his hands to reveal himself. It was Niall. I stared in disbelief. What was this guy's problem? Did he not understand simple English?
"Hi." He sat down beside me without even asking if it was ok.
"Well i've been noticing you struggle a little with accounting, so i figured i could help you out if you wanted," he said. It sounded more like he was flirting with me. Wait, Niall, was flirting with me???
I was about to yell at him but the look he was giving me just made me smile. A real smile. Not one of the smiles i would hide behind, but a genuine smile. What was this guy doing to me?
I just walked away smiling and this time he did not follow. I did not see him for the rest of the day but that was the first night i dreamt of him...

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