part 4

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Niall's POV
Hell! This girl would be the death of me. I knew i already had a girlfriend but everything about Aleya kept drawing me towards her. Yes, i had finally figured out her name. The girl i asked looked at me like i was mad when i wanted to know but at least she told me. Aleya was so different from all the other girls i knew. She was simply beautiful. Since the day i first set eyes on her she was constantly on my mind. I knew she was hiding some kind of pain, it was obvious in her eyes. Those pretty brown eyes gave away everything that smile of her's tried to hide. And then i saw those scars...i only wanted to stop her from leaving but instead i caused her more pain. I felt terrible. For that moment all i wanted to do was just hug her and tell her everything was going to be alright but i couldn't because she ran from me. And then she disappeared for two days. But things were better now. I made her smile. I genuinely wanted to help her with her accounting difficulties because i had noticed how she was having trouble coping in class. But my proposal sound more like i was asking her out. God what must she be thinking about me?
Still i made her smile, and this time, it seemed like the pain in her eyes had faded too.
I didn't dare follow her as she walked away else she would be able to tell how mesmerised i was by her.

Aleya's POV
Maybe i would have stayed to talk to him had my life been different but i couldn't allow myself to start something i would never be able to finish. I opened my locker and put my books in. I had P.E today. Something i hated terribly. I just hoped and prayed Niall didn't have P.E too. At least i knew Hazel would be there.
The girls' changing room was filled with chattering as the girls changed into their P.E outfits. How could i have forgotten to get a letter to be excused from P.E classes? What was i going to do? There was no way i could walk about in a tshirt and show off my scars to the whole world.
I asked Mr.Freddy if i could sit and watch the rest of the class but he just ordered me to go get changed else i'd have to explain to the Principal why i was constantly skipping P.E classes.
I dragged my feet back to the changing room. I was the only one there now. I changed my clothes. I had scars on my leg too from previous cuttings, but even though my shorts were quite short,they covered them. However, there was no way i was going to be able to cover my arm. How could i go out..but its not like i had a choice either.
I stepped out, hiding my arm behind my back, worried. The others were already in circle formation listening to Mr.Freddy. Hazel signalled me to hurry up. I was freaking out. Then i felt something over my shoulders, it was a jacket, i turned round. It was Niall. He was giving me his sports jacket... to cover my scars.
"Always ready to help a damsel in distress," he joked as he jogged over to Mr.Freddy leaving me behind. But how did he even know what i was dreading? How did he know to give me his jacket.
Throughout the class i couldn't help but notice how good Niall was at almost everything we were asked to do. I also felt he was showing off a bit but i guessed with skills like his that was expected. I was rubbish at sports. Mostly because it made me feel weak, especially since i didn't even care to eat properly lately.
I almost tripped and broke my face twice. Luckily Hazel caught me once and Niall caught me the second time. There was something about him that would make my heart beat faster everytime he was around me. Was this normal? After P.E, we all changed and i gave Niall back his jacket. I was about to ask him how he had known earlier to give me his jacket, and why he did but he left. As he left, Hazel caught up with me.
"What is going on with you two?" she inquired.
How could i answer that question when i myself didn't know what i was feeling right now?
I simply chose not to reply and she didn't insist. That was what i liked most about Hazel. She never forced me when i wouldn't feel like talking. Instead she would do the talking and content herself with my nods and smiles.
At lunch Zaira joined us. She had finally found some time for us. Since she had started dating Shawn, she had become kind of distant. Hazel was not very pleased about that. Apparently i was the only one Hazel allowed to go through silent non-talking phases. After a while Zaira left to join Shawn at his table. Now Hazel was fuming because of this. I had been reading my book the whole time. Just as i lifted my head up, i saw them. Niall and Gloria. He was feeding her lunch and she was holding his hand, with this look on her face, like she had the crown jewels. I got really angry and slammed my book shut.
"Hazel let's leave please," i begged.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in the library. I completed my homework and helped the librarian arrange the new books the school had ordered. Anything to keep my mind off of that stupid guy. But why was i so angry? He wasn't doing anything wrong. She was his girlfriend and that's what couples did. So why? Was i jealous? No, no way. I knew i could never be with someone so i had no reason whatsoever to be jealous.
I was stacking a Nora Roberts collection on the shelf when i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a message...from that unknown number again.
"Where are you?"
Who on earth was this? I wasn't in a mood for this so i just deleted the message and got on with what i was doing.
I went home to find my mother crying and my father snoring on the sofa, undoubtedly he had been drinking. This was more than i could deal with so i left and made my way to the park. I found a quiet spot under a tree, sat down and put on my earphones. When i finally felt like i had calmed down enough i returned home. I didn't feel like any dinner. I just grabbed some pain killers, swallowed them and headed upstairs to bed.

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