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Pity. One of the things that pissed me off the most about this place. It didn't matter what you where in here for, or how bad it was. Everyone always gave you those eyes. Those eyes that said stuff like; that poor girl, she must be so sad, she must be so scared. The eyes didn't mean anything to me, other than the fact that people thought I was weak. At the start, I was determined to make sure people knew I wasn't weak. I eventually gave up given the fact that I literally became, weak. How do you pretend to be strong in every way possible when it hurts to lift a finger?

"Jessica," my nurse groaned, dragging me out of my thoughts. "Are you still there?" This nurse was my favourite. Most nurses sugar coat everything and smell like roses but not her. Nikki smelt of cigarettes and never lied or pretended things where fine when they weren't. I thought it was because she didn't have a filter, but she liked to say that she 'gave it to me straight'. On top of that she wasn't an old hag who was constantly up me for being lazy. Instead of accusing me of being lazy, Nikki would be lazy with me, until she got into trouble. She got in trouble a lot but everyone loved her. It was hard for them not to love her.

"What were you saying?" I asked shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

"I said, I talked to the head nurse about the room sharing situation," she said and I shot up. I'd been waiting all week to hear this news. I was praying to God I was going to get what I wanted.

"And," I urged, getting slightly impatient.

"They said no," she said and I groaned. "I did as much as I could, she wouldn't budge. There aren't enough rooms so you have no choice but to share."

"This sucks," I mumbled.

"Who sucks?" As soon as I heard the voice a huge smile etched it's way onto my face. I turned around to see him standing in the doorway giving me his all too famous giggle.

"Hey Ash," I said smiling.

"How's my baby sister doing Nik?" He said as he walked in sitting down next to me. Nikki and Ashton went to school together so it worked out well. He got to stay longer sometimes to Nikki's request.

"Grumpy, stubborn and sarcastic. Nothing out of the ordinary," she mumbled.

"I'm not grumpy," I said rolling my eyes. Well, I'm not grumpy anymore. Nikki just rolled her eyes back at me and walked out of the room, that was our thing. Both of us rolled our eyes more than we needed to, it was like a second nature.

"How are you feeling?" My brother asked seriously.

"I feel fine, normal even," I said smiling. Ashton smiled back. "Has mum got time to come for my birthday next week?"

Ash sighed. Before any words even came out of his mouth I knew she wasn't coming. She never comes, she always says she's too busy or she's at work. The only time she comes to visit is when she has to sign something or be there for an appointment. But even then she leaves straight away. It bothers me sometimes, for example, if she's too busy to come to see me on my birthday I would get a bit upset.

"I'm sorry Jess," he mumbled shaking his head. I just shrugged, trying to make it look like it didn't bother me. I couldn't let him know it was upsetting me, he tries so hard and I don't want him to feel bad.

"It's no big deal, I'm only turning 17. It's not an important birthday. I should be out of here for my 18th so she can be there for that one," I said smiling. Ashton nodded.

"So your getting a room mate I hear?" He asked. I was thankful for him changing the subject, I might have started crying others wise and if that happened he would probably never leave. Although I struggle to see that bad side of that.

"Ugh please don't remind me. I'm gonna have to share this small space with a smelly human." I said making a gross face.

"How do you know she's gonna be smelly," he asked laughing at me.

"Because she's a he," I said pretending to vomit, boys are so gross.

"It's a boy? Is that even aloud?"

"Apparently so. He's 18," I said. Ashton's face changed from giggly to serious in a split second.

"If he does anything, I'll kill him for ya," he said, completely serious. My eyes widened, leading to me letting out a small chuckle.

"I can handle myself, come on," I said rolling my eyes. Ashton shook his head, laughing quietly. He ended up having to leave for work earlier than usual leaving me sitting on the floor next the the window. I had my headphones in my ears with the music turned up so loud it was probably damaging my hearing. I didn't care though, the music had to be loud or there was no point, I would still be able to hear the constant beeping that told me I was still in fact still alive.

I must have been so caught up in my music that I didn't hear anyone walk in until someone pulled one of my earphones out. I jumped, letting out a little squeal.

"What are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, looking at me like I was stupid.

"Nothing, what are you doing," I mumbled standing up. My eyes widened as I realised how tall he was. I barely reached his shoulders.

"Wondering why you are in my room?" He asked, I let out a small giggle.

"This is my room too idiot," I said rolling my eyes. He let out a frustrated sigh, obviously liking the roommate arrangement as much as I did. I stood there awkwardly as he walked around quickly, as if he was inspecting the place.

I couldn't figure out why he was here. I mean it was clear he was the new room mate I was dreading, due to the bags that sat on the spare bed. But I wanted to know why he was really here, as in, in the hospital. Usually it's pretty obvious considering we are in the permanent living section of the hospital, where the kids who need constant help are. But he had all of his hair and all of his limbs, as far as I could tell. I guess you can't always tell with people though.Take me for example, I have a lot going on in my head and at the moment you can't see any signs of the problem. My blonde hair was still long and thick, thanks to the treatment I'm getting not effecting me in that way. Yet.

His hair was jet black but most of it was hidden under a flat cap. He had pale skin and a strong build. I should've felt intimidated considering he was like 2x the size of me and a year older, but I didn't.

"So, are you gonna leave?" he grumbled, sorting through his bag.

"Uh, sorry?" I cleared my throat, confused as to what he meant.

"This is my room," he said turning around. "You should go."

"Are you kidding me? Listen I hate this as much as you, quit being an asshole about it," I mumbled, relaxing onto my bed.

"As if! You probably can't wait until you can watch me sleep or something weird like that," he said throwing his hands around.

"Yer, not likely," I said rolling my eyes. Why would I want to do that anyway, he may be extremely attractive but sleep is important.

"What's your name anyway?" he mumbled. This guy was giving mixed signals. One minute he wanted to punch something the next he was calm and half genuine.

"Jessica," I said wearily, eyeing his every move.

"Nice to meet you Jess," he said with no enthusiasm in his voice. "My name is Michael and I really don't want to be here."

"That makes two of us," I said quietly, he just rolled his eyes. With that Michael flicked his bag away and left the room, his black converse squeaking slightly as he stormed down the hall. This was going to be interesting. We had known each other for a solid 3 minutes and he hated me already. I guess I had that effect on people.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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