176 13 3

Little Shits

fakeliampayne removed annabanana from conversation

louist91 removed niallhoran from conversation

gabbyscott: um? wth?

harrystyles: we're gonna talk Nianna and they hate it

louist91: they think its not real

gabbyscott: but it is

fakeliampayne: well they don't think it is

harrystyles: which is y we're talking about it without them

louist91: they're goals

gabbyscott: we're goals

harrystyles: no ur not

gabbyscott: YES WE R

harrystyles: SHUT UP WOMAN

gabbyscott left the conversation

fakeliampayne: good job harry

harrystyles: shut up :(

louist91: u made her go away

harrystyles: she left on her own at least

fakeliampayne: -_-

louist91: wow

harrystyles added annabanana to conversation

harrystyles added niallhoran to conversation

harrystyles: they removed you to talk about Nianna

annabanana: LITTLE SHITS

niallhoran: y did i get removed!? i wanted to be a part of it dammit

louist91: hell no

fakeliampayne: harry u traitor

harrystyles: luv u too liam

niallhoran: and i love anna

annabanana: ...

niallhoran: but i know she doesn't :((

Omg sorry for the end ): PLEASE DONT KILL ME.

Larry or Loubby?


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