Chapter 1

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The newest student to Japan's True Cross Academy, American Holly McCormick, stood right across from Rin Okumura, who for some reason was mesmerized by this mysterious beauty, even after his brother Yukio introduced her. "This is Holly, our exchange student and new teammate" he explained. It was hard to tell what the girl was feeling or thinking since her red-brown hair hid her eyes from view, but she stood there stoically and silently until she spoke. "Thanks for the intro" she told the spectacled twin with a sullen voice, "That and I've been a full-fledged Exorcist since I was ten. So while, I'm not exactly 'in' this Exwire class, I'm still in high school and I'm still going to be a member of this team" The entire class stared in shock. "What?!" they all cried out in unison. "Age, 10, you can't be serious!" Bon yelled, infuriated and confused. "Quit yelling, and I'm dead serious, I started my training as a Paige when I was six years old"

Rin could barely contain himself. They just met this girl, and she was already upstaging his brother. He covered his mouth with his hands, so as not to laugh at the irony of it all. Holly noticed this and pointed to him while asking, "What's with him?" Izumo sighed. "Forgive Mr. Okumura's twin brother" she said to Holly, "The information you just gave us has probably destroyed his already tiny brain"

"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Rin snapped. "That wasn't very nice, Kamiki" Shiemi scolded. "Please, when does Eyebrow Girl here ever do nice?" Bon scoffed. Yukio slammed down his book, stopping the argument before it could start. Underneath her auburn mane, Holly rolled her eyes. "Oh God" she muttered. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

During lunch, Rin plopped down on his favorite bench and opened his bento box, revealing the delicious food he and Ukobach made for lunch the night before. But just before he started eating, Rin noticed the new girl, Holly, sitting all by herself while she ate. He recovered the bento box and walked over. "Hey" he called to her, catching her attention. "What do you want?" she asked. "Jeez, I just going to ask why you're eating all alone" Rin snapped. "I find it hard to trust people, especially with food" she explained. The blue eyed boy noticed her lunch only consisted of raw fruit and vegetables. "Uh, hey, if you want, I could share some of my lunch with you, I cooked too much food for myself anyway" This took Holly by surprise. "Oh...uh, thanks" Rin handed her a skewer of dangos from his bento box. Parting her hair away from her mouth, she took a bite of a dango and seemed to be entranced by the taste. "Wow, this is good stuff" she admitted, surprised, "Did you make this yourself?" Rin's face glimmered with pride as he said "You bet I did. I don't mean to brag, but, I've got a natural talent for cooking" He could have sworn he saw a tiny but genuine smile on Holly's lips. "If that's true, then I think I'll like bunking with you"

"Wait, what?" he asked. "Yeah, Mephisto said I'd be sharing a dorm with you and your brother" she told Rin.


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