Chapter 10

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Rin's P.O.V:

I woke up a jolt to see I was still in my own bed. Yukio's bed was empty, meaning he was already up. 

"What the hell was that?" I asked my self. If that wasn't the creepiest dream I ever had, I don't what was.

Rin, what's the matter? Kuro asked while tilting his head.

"I-it's nothing, I just had a nightmare" I answered quickly. I'll admit that I was in a haze while I was getting dressed and heading to the dining hall for breakfast. Holly and Yukio were already there. Holly was eating breakfast at a table in the corner of the dining hall, Yukio was waiting for me and had my plate across from his. The lyrics of that sick song form my nightmare kept playing over and over in my head.

What that crow did

Jason's gone, but his daughter's still around

What did any of that mean? 

"Nii-san, is there something wrong?" Yukio asked me. I snapped out of it to realize that I was just pushing the food on my plate around. I looked over at Holly, she was probably completely ignoring us since she didn't say anything, just kept eating her breakfast like there was no one else there. 

"N-no, I've just got alot on my mind" Rin didn't sound entirely convinced, mainly because he wasn't sure himself.

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