Chapter 3

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A/N Notice the change of POV's during this chapter. And girls, Rayaan's POV coming up. ^_^

Samaira's POV

I was sitting in the class, already irritated by my surrounding.

"Miss D'souza, the new students are not yet introduced" Guess who said that? Yes, the jerkpid himself. This name suits him well, I patted myself for coming up with such a name.

"Oh! Yes, I forgot! Come up girls and introduce yourself to the class." The lecturer said while hand gesturing us to walk up. Aal and I went up to the podium and introduced ourselves. It was so awkward. I thought school was over. I expected something mature from my college.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Rayaan smirking at me, as I walked back to my seat. I just gave him a fake smile.

Why are they in my class? Weren't they few semesters ahead of us? I questioned myself with crinkled eyebrows.

What? This lecturer can read minds because this is what the next announcement was-

"Well class, apart from the new students, we even have some senior students who took double majors. And Rayaan and Aariz are a part of them." Miss D'Souza announced.

That answers my question. Just peachy! I wonder for how many modules we are together? I gave a side glance and saw Aal, flirting with Aariz. Oh great! Already started. Great job, Aal. Great job!

"Aal, could you please ask your new found soulmate, for how many more modules you both share? Sorry, to interrupt your lovey dovey time." Sarcasm dripping from my statement.

"Samaira, that's the only thing you want to ask these hotties?" She cocked her eyebrows with a confused look.

"Ahem! Sorry to interrupt, but we have two modules together this semester." A voice stated. Wait! Who was that? I turned around. Oh Mr Jerkpid.

Rayaan was looking at me and nodding his head. "Oh! So you were eavesdropping?" I asked him with pointed look.

He laughed, "You aren't that lucky, miss. If only you could lower down your voice while, having a private conversation with your friend." He responded sarcastically and smirked at me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the direction of the lecturer.

Samaira, cool down, it's just your first day and you are ready messing your college life. Ignore the jerks and enjoy your life. I eased up, trying to relax.

The lecture started and I thought of studying sincerely. This is would distract me from the hotties sitting behind me and even help me score good grades. To my surprise even Rayaan was studying sincerely.

'Oh! That means this jerk is a nerd as well'. Nice combination! I thought to myself feeling amused.

"Can you guys keep the flirting to yourself? I can hear every crappy line he is throwing on you." I scowled at Aal.

"Oh, someone is pissed for not getting the attention from us hotties?" Aariz cocked his eyebrow. I heard Rayaan chuckled and both the douches shared a cocky grin.

"In your dreams, pretty boy. Because I am genuinely not interested." I shot back.

"But, why?" Aal snapped in between. As expected from Aal, she has to bring up this question. Now, how do I explain to her in front these boys. Thank god, Miss D'Souza came to my rescue.

"As much as, I am happy that you guys are getting along well with the new students but, I would appreciate it, if you guys continue this chit-chat session after the lecture." Miss D said pointed out, mainly towards the four of us.

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