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"So hey, I think I should stay until she wakes up." Jin said, meaning Taehyung could leave.

"Uh, you know what, this is my fault, you should just go to class hyung." Taehyung said as he sat down on a stool next to the bed Soo In was in.

"How is this your fault V?"

"I should have been there when Byul was in danger..." His expression changed to one of guilt.


"Enough hyung, I'm just trying to do the right thing for once." Jin nodded before giving Soo In a last glance.

"Fine, just, remember what we talked about on the roof." He said and exited the room.

Taehyung just sat there looking at Soo In's motionless body as his heavy eyelids got the best of him.


As Soo In opened her eyes and looked around she noticed she was in the nurses office. The smell of disinfectants and medicine gave it away. She sat up and held her head from the hint of pain. "Ouch!"

She looked around and saw the nurse wasn't there. Actually, how had she gotten there in the first place?

Someone groaned and she jumped up in surprise. Her eyes widened when she noticed somebody lying his head on the bed, right next to her. It was a guy, his brown hair covering his eyes, she could only see his pink heart shaped lips. Without noticing, Soo In found herself reaching out and moving his bangs away, revealing his closed eyes. Taehyung?

He looked so nice and peaceful in that state. Soo In hadn't noticed this before but he was actually very handsome. But something else caught Soo In's attention, Taehyun was frowning. Who frowns when they sleep? She chuckled. Oh my- What are you even doing Soo In? She sighed and was about to move her hand away from his face when Taehyung grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, still a bit drowsy.

"I uh..."

"Don't touch me, don't ever touch me!" He sat up, tightening his grip on her wrist.

"That's nice of you." She rolled her eyes. " Let go, your hurting me."

Taehyung let go and left, slamming the door shut. What's his problem? Why was he even here? I swear it's like he has some multi personality disorder or something. Ugh! Soo In threw herself back on the bed and sighed.


After taking some generic pain relievers, Soo In decided to head to her next class. She couldn't really remember what happened and how she ended up in the nurse's office, but she didn't really care. She spilled all her pills so she had to tell Baekhyun to get her some more, which she wasn't looking forward to after their last conversation.

As she entered the music classroom, she saw nobody was in there, just a boy hitting the keys of the piano randomly. The girl decided to approach him and ask about the class, why nobody was there. The boy turned around right when she was about to touch his shoulder. Oh. Great.

"What?" Taehyung asked while staring at the girl blankly.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Soo In rolled her eyes at him.

"It seemed you were about to tell me something."

"I was just going to ask w- Forget it, bye." She turned around to leave but stopped as Taehyung spoke.

"Wait." He stood up and sighed before falling back onto the seat. "The teacher said we needed to work on the piece for the showcase, so he told everybody to leave."Soo In sighed and turned back around and stared at Taehyung's blank face, not able to read through him."Believe me, right now I hate this as much as you do, so let's just get on with it."

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