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"What are you doing here Baekhyun oppa?" Soo In blankly asked the young man standing before her.

"Soo In-ah that is no way to speak to your older brother." Her 'mother' scolded.

Baekhyun sat down next to Soo In and put an arm over her shoulder. "Don't worry mom, she just missed me very much that's all." He winked at Soo In. "Isn't that right?"

Soo In flashed a fake smile and hugged him. "Yeah of course, I just missed him so much."

"Well, I have to prepare dinner, you're father's coming home early today." The woman said and left the room. Soo In shoved Baekhyun aside.

"Hey what's wrong? I thought you missed me." The young man smirked.

"What are you doing here oppa? Didn't you hear? My father's not rich anymore." The guy faked shock and gasped.

"I am hurt, can't I come to see my beloved little sister." Soo In rolled her eyes.

"You're not my brother, Chan is my brother. I don't care if your mother married my father, that changes nothing."

"Look Soo In, we can change things between us, I have changed."Baekhyun was now being serious.

"How long do you plan on staying here?" The girl avoided the topic.

"I'm not sure, I'm staying here for the night, and tomorrow I'll look for another place to crash so-"

"Hyung!" Chan called as he came out of his room. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

He ran over to Baekhyun who greeted him with their secret handshake. "Hey kid!" Unlike Soo In, he was very fond of the guy, he looked up to him. But Chan didn't know the real Baekhyun, he didn't know what Soo In knew.

"Where are you going?" Baekhyun asked as Soo In stood up.

"Anywhere but here." She answered.

"You can't just leave like that." Baekhyun warned her.

"Watch me." Soo In left the apartment without even thinking where she would go. But she wasn't staying home when that guy was there. He might have been fooling her brother and her father but he wasn't fooling her. She wasn't the same 12 year old girl she was when she first met him, when her father remarried. The girl exited the elevator as she got to the first floor of the building and felt her stomach grumble. Right, she hadn't eaten dinner yet. She reached in the pocket of her hoodie and all there was was a crumbled receipt from the dry cleaners and her phone. What am I gonna do? Soo In asked herself. Going back home wasn't an option, her dignity wouldn't let her. She looked through the contacts on her phone but found nothing useful, she forgot to ask Suzy for her phone number and she had no other friends. Friends... The girl remembered her old friends, she remembered when she had no worries, but now, everything went from bad to worse. From her father's company, to meeting Tahyung, to Baekhyun's surprise visit.

Just as she exited the building, she noticed a group of boys walk by. She didn't know any of them besides the one in the back. It was Jin. The girl passed by quickly hoping he wouldn't notice her. The sun was already setting and the streets were getting darker and emptier.

"Soo In." Just great. She turned around to face him and smiled. He flashed his winning smile back. "What are you doing out here by yourself again." He motioned for the other guys to leave and walked beside the girl.

"I ran away from home." The boy just laughed. Why would he laugh in these situations?

"You ran away? Why?"

"There are some things I want to avoid."

"Mm." Soo In's stomach grumbled interrupting their conversation and Jin laughed once more. "Are you hungry?"

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