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"Hey, so how's the plan going?" Taehyung approached Jin and sat next to him.

"I think it's going well. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Aish! I couldn't take being alone for another second, girls kept approaching me and asking me to dance. Besides, I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting." The older boy laughed and Taehyung glared at him.

"Guys!" They were both startled by the sudden shout. When they looked back, they saw Suzy looking concerned.

"What happened, did Soo In come back?" Jin asked quickly, hoping nothing bad had happened.

"Not really..." The girl answered, contemplating whether she should tell them what had happened.

"Then what are you doing here?! You can' just leave the guy alone like that!" Tahyung angrily complained.

"Chill! The thing is... I think he caught up with our plan."

"What?!" The boy yelled.

"V, calm down." Jin put a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "What exactly happened?" Suzy sighed and explained.

"Hey, can I sit here?" Suzy asked the man who seemed to be waiting for someone. He ignored her but she sat down anyway.

"I didn't say you could sit there. I'm waiting for someone." Yongguk spoke coldly.

I thought they said he liked women. Suzy scoffed and sighed, then put a fake smile on her face. "Don't you wanna have some fun? I know a-"

"Look, I said I was waiting for someone, you're just not my type okay? So run along and flirt with some other guy." He waved her off.

"But I-" Suzy stopped her words when she noticed the sudden look of anger on his face.

"That fuckin asshole!" Yongguk seemed like he had realized something. "He'll learn not to mess with me." He stood up and walked away, leaving Suzy there confused. Did he notice?

"Aish! That asshole caught up to our plan. I should've known he wouldn't fall for it." Taehyung said and slammed his cup in frustration. "Where did that girl head off to?"

"I though she was with Jin." Suzy answered.

"She left to answer a call, It's been a while though." Jin said a bit concerned. "I should go look for her."

"No, I'll go look for her." Taehyung said, stopping Jin from standing up. The boy was caught off guard by his sudden offer. "You should stay here and wait for the guy to come back." Both Suzy and Jin nodded as Taehyung left.

He looked all around the club but there was no sign of Soo In. Until he heard a girl scream from the bathrooms. He thought it sounded like Soo In so he ran towards that direction. When he arrived near the bathrooms, he saw Yongguk about to kiss Soo In, but it didn't seem like she wanted him to. Before he knew it, Taehyung himself punching the guy.

Soo In was so caught off guard by this, she didn't have time to react. Yongguk looked pretty pissed off, he stood up and just laughed as he wiped the blood on his face.

"Oh V... Should I call you V? Nah I think we're close enough for me to call you Tae-" Before Yongguk could finish, Taehyung grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against a wall.

"Don't you fuckin dare!" Taehyung yelled with a scary look in his eyes, the man just laughed.

"Why not? We're close no? You're father owes me a whole lot, so the least you could do-"

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