In The Beginning

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There once was this girl named Ana. She was so happy and normal.she would never let things bring her down. she was smart and simple and never expected much. She was pretty much your average little girl. Everyone thought she had it great. But once she got home,things weren't so good. Her parents got divorced when she was two. It never bothered her. Her dad was a drunk and never stopped yelling. Her mom did drugs and went m.i.a. for days. Her mother didn't care about her at all. She took Ana on drug runs and By the time Ana was five, she seen to much of this world. Still none of it bothered her till she was around 11. That's not where all her problems started. In the middle of the first grads Ana was being told she was ugly and dumb by people at her school. Now she was being bullied at school, mentally abused by her dad, and physically by her mom. In third grade she was being beaten and cornered several times a week. Life at school wasn't any better than at home. By fourth grade Ana moved with her dad and stepmom full time and transferred schools. She thought she would have a chance at this new school. There, the harassment only got worse. She was now being called fat,ugly, a worthless bitch, and a fucking dumbass. The physical pain but the growing fat didn't. She was called it everyday for two years. It hurt little innocent Ana but she lived with it. She would cry but very rarely and never in front of people. She blocked it all out. There was just this mental wall. Its what kept her a child. Its what kept her innocence. Ana kept a lot of walls without ever knowing or meaning to. But it was good and for the better that she kept them up. It saved her for a long time. Then in the middle of sixth grade she changed schools again. This new school was amazing. Life at hime couldn't of been worse. Little did Ana know it was only a downhill roller coaster from there

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