Welcome to New York

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The video above is of the song 'Welcome to New York 'by Taylor Swift that Jordan and Mindy sing. To the right is a picture of how I imagined Mindy's hair.

As upset as I was I was also kind of excited. I had never been to New York before, I may have been mad at my dad but he was right about one thing... Good or bad this was going to be an adventure.

Because I left from a small town airport instead of an international one I had to make a stop in Boston to change planes and clear customs. As annoying as it is to have to change planes I was glad to have opportunity to stretch my legs a little before siting in a stuffy plane for a few more hours. A few minutes after I took my seat a girl with curly rainbow hair, pale skin and a bright smile plastered on her face sat down beside me. She looked about my age. Even with the crazy hair she was clearly beautiful.

"Hiya!" She said cheerfully. Her voice was high and sweet. Nothing like mine which was a bit lower. I hate my voice to me I sound like a man but I can sing like nobodies business.

"Hi" I replied with much less pep than her.

"My name is Mindy but you can call me Min or Minnie. Where are you from? I'm from New York but I was visiting my sister and her husband in Boston this week. You're not from New York are you? You don't look like it, you're too tan. Why are you going to New York? Oh wait what's your name?" She said as she was sitting down. I swear she didn't even breathe the whole time she was speaking. She was looking at me expectantly waiting for an answer but all I could do was stare dumbfounded.

"Oh sorry I do that a lot. Let's start over. Hi my name is Mindy, what your name?"

This time I answered. "Hi I'm Jordan."

"Oooooo, Jordan is such a pretty name, what does it mean?" She was so happy. How could one person have that much energy inside one body?

"Uh I don't know. My parents named me after my grandma who died before I was born." She had breast cancer and died before my mom got pregnant with me. My mom always said she was grateful she stayed alive long enough to see their wedding.

"Aaaaaaawwwwww! That's so cute!" Most people thought so but really it was just a name to me because I didn't know my grandmother I've only seen pictures.

"So since you already know about me let's hear more about you." She said like sharing their life stories is what normal people did on planes.

"Well I'm from Saskatchewan, Canada but I'm moving in with my mom who lives in New York." Obviously I wasn't going to tell her the whole story behind why I was moving to New York.

"OMG! What school are you going to?" She yelled for the whole plane to hear. I swear she must have drank at least two Red Bulls before she got on this plane.

"Um I think it called Northview secondary?" I only remember seeing the name on my international student package and I assumed it was the name of the school.

"Are you serious?! That's what school I go to! We can be best friends!" Well at least I know someone who goes to my new school and wont feel like a complete loner walking through the hallways trying to be invited into someone's group.

I laughed "So is there a reason for the rainbow hair?" Although based on her personality it seemed something like this wouldn't too far from normal for her.

"Oh my hair... Well, there was a LGBTQ pride parade while I was in Boston... Actually to be honest that's why I went and since I'm a lesbian I decided to show my spirit." 'Wow!' I thought, that was not what I was expecting.

"That's cool... To be honest I've never met a lesbian before. But don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with it or anything." My parents had always expressed since I was little you should never judge someone based on their skin colour or sexual orientation so I never thought anything of it.

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