Castle in the swamp

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Hey sorry it took me so long to post this! I'm hoping to finish this story soon but I'm not sure how many chapters that'll be! I already have ideas for another fic, I'm think Fairy Tail one shots? NaLu, GaLe, JerZa, Gruvia, ect. Cute fluffy stuff like that? Let me know what you think in the comments or PM me!?

:::::: I don't like babies but all of my aunts and uncles decided that they wanted kids now that I'm old and have to watch them. They irritate me soooo much! Like why do they cry so much? They're so picky and they have to have whatever they want! Is it bad that I want to not let them have stuff when they start crying for it? Like learn manners all ready child! Your 9 months old for crying out loud! It's rude to cry over a water bottle get over yourself! ^^' anyways.... Please tell me if something is wrong with me or if you feel that way too because everyone in my family thinks that I have a serious problem...!::::::

Ok on to the next chapter! Enjoy and thanks for listening to all my rants!

--------------- CHAPTER 9

I'm running through the forest as fast as I can. I can hear my comrades fighting in the human world. I need to get to the ogre as fast as I can. I'm scared that they'll all get hurt and I won't be there to do anything. Even if I can't help out a whole lot I'll still be able to do a little, right? So maybe that means that I shouldn't leave the guild? I don't know, this whole situation is confusing me. I'll have to talk to Natsu after all of this is over. That is of course assuming that I make it back and that everyone is okay.

The forest starts thinning out and I see dark swampy bodies of water coming into vision. I know now that I'm getting closer to my destination. I would've never been able to run as fast as I am at the moment if not for my new found star dragon slayer magic. It helps me with agility and stuff like that. Plus I have been using my star dragon boost every once in a while. Star dragon boost is basically where the speed of the infinity of the air in space and from the stars propels me forwards faster than the speed of light. If I were to explain this to Natsu I'd just say that I can transport. I can only use it in short distances and only every once in a while because I'm not use to using all this power and I don't want to be out of it when I get to the ogre. I'm not even sure I'll be able to beat him since Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and I could hardly beat him.

I use star dragon boost one last time and find myself staring at a huge castle made up of twisted branches from the trees near by. A small stone bridge leads over the swamp surrounding the castle. I walk slowly across the bridge, I'm scared that it'll break while I'm on it. But an ogre has to walk across this doesn't he? He's a whole lot bigger than I am so I shouldn't have a problem. As soon as I calm myself down I feel the bridge shift under my feet. I look down to see that the rock I just stepped on wasn't connected to the others causing it to give way under me. I feel myself falling down the short drop in to the greenish brown water. I come up gasping for breath. The water smells disgusting and there is slimey stuff clinging to my legs. I swim towards the castle but I stop when I catch something moving out of the corner of my eye. I freeze and turn around, I'm not happy with what I see.


"MIRA!" I yell at the take over Mage who just stopped me from punching Dahra across the room.

"Listen Natsu. Everyone will try to stop them and hold them off for as long as possible. But you need to take Lucy and go! Run somewhere far away! You are the best suited to protect her. Promise you'll protect her?" Mira said, I'm not sure but it looks as if she's about to cry.

"Of course I'll protect her but I can't leave you all here to fight! I need to help!"

Mira sighed then smiled at me. "Natsu, we'll be okay. We are Fairy Tail after all! We aren't defeated easily!"

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