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Hey Everyone! I am so so so sorry! I haven't updated this story in forever! But while I wasn't writing I was trying to develop the plot a little more and I think it might be going somewhere! Yay!

::::::::: I haven't done one of these for a while so I might as well update! So, something that I actually haven't told many people I know in real life. Only 4 people, besides my parents and my brother, know this. I had to start going to therapy for depression and that kinda stuff so yea...! But its all better now, kinda!:::::::::::

Enjoy the chapter!

Ahari and Dahra turn to look at Dehali then they all turn towards Lucy. She has wings sprouting out of her back again and her clothes have changed. I watch in horror as the Terrible 3 start casting a spell. Their faces change from bliss to pure terror as they see Lucy standing before them. Their magic swells and gets larger, a round ball of light and darkness swirling together. Lucy stands defensively before them, her wings spread wide and her arms by her side. "With this enchantment we seal your soul and bring you to your knees. With no where left for you to turn your heart belongs to me. May your body fall limp and your life dwindle. Follow as we bring you home." The three finish their enchantment and go to shoot Lucy with it. My eyes grow wide and I realize I am too far away to do anything to stop them. I don't listen to the voice in my head that tells me there is no way I will get there in time as I start running across the guild. The ball of light that had been forming is launched forward and strait at Lucy.

"NO!" I yell loudly as I continue running, tripping slightly over my fast moving feet. Suddenly I hear Lucy chant something.

"Strong but not enough I ask for your assistance. Lend me the strength and give me a shield." Lucy says while holding her arms out in front of her. Her arms are crossed and her palms are facing the incoming attack. I keep running.

The ball of power hits Lucy and surrounds her. It glows brightly and I hear Lucy scream from inside the light. I stop and stare with my eyes wide. Then the light fades and I see Lucy panting in the middle of a charred circle. Her arms still crossed and I can see the faint light of a barrier between her and the three attackers. I let out a long breath and run to her side. She looks over at me and grins before collapsing. I grip her shoulders and lower her to the ground gently. Her breathing is heavy and I can tell she used up a lot of her magic power.

"What do you want with Lucy?" I yell towards her attackers.

"You don't know? You are a dragon slayer are you not?" Ahari asks bewildered.

"Yeah. What of it?" I ask before turning to look at Gajeel and Wendy. Gajeel is hunched over Levy but when he hears the man mention dragon slayers he turns his head slightly. Wendy is hovering over Lucy as she frantically tries to get her health back to normal. Her attention was also caught by the man talking.

Dehali lets out a snicker and I growl at her. "For such sharp creatures you really are clueless." She smirks and looks over at Dahra.

"Lucy, daughter of Calisto the Queen of Dragons, is the Dragon Princess. She is the only one who can bring back our Aunt." Dahara states.

"What?" Everyone in the guild yells from the shock of this discovery.

"So hand her over. If she had let our last spell hit her it wouldn't have taken such a toll on her body. Putting up that shield was impressive but it damaged her ability to fight for the time being." Ahari says with a calm voice.

"We're not handing over a friend that easily." Erza calls out.

"YEAH!" Everyone agrees.

"We aren't going to hurt her. In fact, Princess Lucy is my older sister. I am younger by a year. That is why we need her. Had she died or been born after I had we would not have this problem. But since she was first born she has the magic qualities of a dragon, not I. Though it seems she wasted her time with the powers." Dehali says. I thought her and Lucy looked similar.

"Even so, you attacked our guild and tried to take her by force. If she chooses to leave with you when she wakes up then you may leave with her. But you cannot take her against her will. Do we have an agreement?" Mira asks while still in her Satan Soul.

The three mages look at each other and nod. "We accept your offer." Ahari says.


I wake up in the infirmary. I sit up slowly and look around. The room is empty but I can hear voices right outside.

"Natsu! Calm down. It's Lucy's choice." Mira says from behind the door.

"I know that. But I can't just watch the people who attacked our guild, tried to kidnap Lucy, and kill everyone else just walk away with her." He says with frost coating his voice.

I stand up and walk slowly towards the door. I almost collapse a few time but am able to reach the door. I open it and see Mira, Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Wendy standing outside. They all turn to look at me.

"Lucy!" Natsu says excitedly before hugging me tightly.

"What are you guys talking about? What happened? I remember block their captive spell but that's all." I say, Natsu's arm holding me up.

The group explains everything to me and I feel my self start to shake a little. Natsu takes me back into the infirmary and closes the door behind us. I sit down on the bed and look down at my hands. Natsu sits down next to me. He reaches over to me and takes my hand in his.

"What do you want to do Luce?" He asks. His shoulder is pushed against mine and I lean against him fully.

"I don't know. I want to see what they mean. Can I bring my mom back or are they just lying?" My sentence breaks off and I take a deep breath. "And again, I'm the one causing problems." I say, fresh tears begin making paths down my face.

"Nobody thinks that Lucy. Hey, look at me." Natsu squeezes my hand and turns towards me. I lift my head from his shoulder and turn towards him. My eyes locked on our hands which are tangled together. "Look at me Luce." Natsu says softly.

I lift my head and look him in the eyes. The dark color is entrancing. "You did nothing wrong. I'm asking you if you trust these people. Do you trust them?"

I think for a moment, my eyes searching Natsu's. I can tell he believes in me. He thinks I'll make the right decision. "I think... I think that they can really get my mom back. But I'm not sure if it will be safe for me. I think that they're under the influence of someone powerful and dangerous."

Natsu looks into my eyes and I can feel my face heating up. "I don't want you to leave."

He pulls me into his chest and I feel tears hit my shoulder. My eyes open wide in shock. Slowly I wrap my arms around Natsu and pull him close to me. I don't want to leave him. But he knows what choice I have made. He knows that my curiosity always gets the best of me. I close my eyes and press my lips to his ear.

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