1) Extra Cheesy

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The bell for first period rings everyday at 9:30am, so I'm told from my dad. It was only 9:16, and I wanted to kill some time by hanging out in the bathroom for a bit, maybe fixing my hair and makeup a bit.

I checked out my face in the mirror. My soft white hair was a little wavy, and my side bangs covered my eye a little. My pale complexion was covered in a tan, and my deep purple eyes were covered by brown contacts. I felt so cool, like I was dressed up in some disguise. Which I was.

I had on my dark skinny jeans and a black and white striped long sleeve shirt. I stared in the mirror for a while at my obvious curves and tiny stomach. Was this what girl bodies were supposed to look like? Or were totally obvious curves just another symptom of AG, too?

I applied a second coat of mascara and pink lipgloss to add colour to my lifeless lips, and then the bell rang. It was a weird noise and it caught me off guard. It was like a really loud, obnoxious ERRRRRRRRRRR noise that scared the crap out of me. I'd never heard that sound before in my life until now.


"Hello, you must be Alice. I hear this is your first time in a public school?" A tall, blonde haired teacher asked.

"Uh... Yes." I replied.

"I'm Ms. Waterstone. Welcome to the class! It's every bodies first day here today, so why don't we start with the name game?"

Everybody went around in a circle, saying their names.

"Perfect! I can tell this is going to be a great year!" She said, clapping her hands.

I was assigned a seat, next to a tall brown haired boy. He had long, sort of messy hair and was extremely attractive.

"Hey" he said, tipping his head up for a split second. "Is your name Alice? 'Cuz your body is a wonderland"

I stared with confusion at that extra-cheesy pick up line.

"Sorry. I just had to" he chuckled. "My names Isaiah."

"Oh, uh... Hello..." I said, unsurely. "My name is... Well you already know that."

He smiled an incredibly handsome smile at me. I think I was beginning to like this Isaiah guy. His smile was perfect, and his big, green, dark, loving eyes gazed into mine. I flashed a quick smile, then turned away to avoid suspicion. Could he see the purple through my coloured contacts?

"Alright class! I'm going to hand out the class schedule. You will only see each other in Math and English. The rest of the classes, most of you will be separated depending on what classes you are enrolled in. Samantha, will you hand these out for me?"

A tall, blonde haired girl with brown hair underneath stood up and grabbed the stack of paper. She had a piercing on her eyebrow and lip, and dark brown eyes.

When the paper came to me and Isaiah, he immediately compared courses.

"Hey!" I said, as he yanked the paper off my desk.

"Oh look, we're in art, math, and science together for first semester and... Spanish and wood shop in the second." He winked at me, obviously trying to flirt.

"Cool. How about you give me my sheet back?" I said, pulling it out of his hand.

"Woah there... A little bit feisty, are we?" He laughed.

I shot him a smirk and shrugged, then began examining my class schedule. Here in Burnt Ember, we had the same four classes every day until the end of January, when the semesters changed. My schedule was Math first block, Science second, then a 45 minute break. After that was Art, and then finally Social Studies.

I caught Isaiah staring at me with a slight smirk, and he looked away. I began to wonder...

I looked around the room, scanning for other boys. I caught several other boys staring at me. That made me extremely uncomfortable. Uh oh, maybe one of my contacts fell out. Did I have weird tan lines or did my tan look too fake? Was my makeup abnormal? I suddenly got super self conscious and rested my hands on my lap and shifted my weight, even though I was sitting down. I kept my eyes glued to the paper that sat on the desk in front of my, in hopes that the glares and stares from the other boys (and some girls) in the room would pass.

I guess Isaiah noticed my self-consciousness because he asked in a low, stealth voice if something was wrong. I shrugged and said no. I guess he could tell I was lying too, because his smirky gaze suddenly formed into a concerned glance.

I looked at the clock, counting down the seconds until orientation was done, and we could all go home early. It was 10:49, and it ended at 11. I was so deep in thought, I didn't even realize the teacher was rambling on all this time.

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