The Cutie Mark Crusaders

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Apple Bloom waved to her friends. "Over here!" she yelled.
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged glances.
"Why are you so happy? Applejack is dead, and so are our sisters, remember?" Sweetie Belle asked softly.
Apple Bloom hung her head. "I still remember, but I try to forget about it and move on." she told her friends, who were still looking at the ground.
"I know! We can earn our cutie marks finding the Elements of Harmony!" Apple Bloom shouted.
"Elements of what?" Scootaloo asked.
"Elements of Harmony! Twilight gave me the book about them before she died and we could use them to defeat Nightmare Moon!" Apple Bloom said happily.
Scootaloo grinned, "Count me in. I'd like to show that pony something for killing my sister!"
"Me too!" Sweetie Belle chirped.
"Great! let's start lookin'!"
The three fillies galloped into the dark forest, full of mystery and danger.
"See anything yet?" Sweetie Belle asked.
Apple Bloom pointed to a castle with her hoof, "There! Let's get going!"

The castle wasn't any better than the forest. Spider webs, dust, and debris were all over the place. Finally, they saw the elements.
"Come on!" Apple Bloom said and trotted towards the stone. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed after her.
"What now?" Scootaloo asked.

A mist appeared and swirled around the elements. Nightmare Moon came out.
"Three fillies think they can defeat me? We'll see about that." Nightmare Moon said.
Apple Bloom tackled Nightmare Moon, knocking her down.
"Nice job!" Scootaloo said.
"Ya ain't gonna get away with killin' mah sis!" Apple Bloom yelled, and although she knew she was too weak, she bucked Nightmare Moon as hard as she could. Surprisingly, Nightmare Moon fell to the ground, horn broken.
"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle yelled.
"Your cutie mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
Apple Bloom looked at her cutie mark, which was an apple with a white flower barely blooming lying at it's side.
"AH GOT MAH CUTIE MARK!!!!" Apple Bloom shouted.
Seeing that Nightmare Moon was getting up, Scootaloo charged at her with her scooter.
Now Nightmare Moon was lying on the ground again, groaning.
Scootaloo beamed and saw her cutie mark, which was a scooter with a lightning bolt through it.
"My turn!" Sweetie Belle said and screeched loudly, causing the elements to shatter, revealing crystal shards. Yellow shards circled around Scootaloo, White ones around Apple Bloom, and purple ones around Sweetie Belle, who now had a cutie mark of a microphone inside a heart with confetti.
The crusaders waited, but nothing else happened.
"Umm, what are these supposed to do?" Scootaloo asked.

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