The New Rulers

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Celestia appered in the castle, head hanging.
"I am sorry to have failed you six." she said and bowed.
"What?" Lemon Hearts asked.
"You are the rightful rulers of Equestria. Apple Bloom, element of Patience, Scootaloo, element of Adventure, Sweetie Belle, element of Music, Minuette, or Colgate, element of Continuation, Twinkleshine, element of Aiding, and Lemon Hearts, element of Happiness." Celestia said.
She then walked over to the young mare.
"Yes...sister?" the younger mare asked.
"I'm sorry for banishing you, will you show these ponies what rulers do?"
"Of course." Luna ansered and walked towards the six ponies.
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"Here are your new rulers." Celestia started.
"Princess Apple Bloom."
Apple Bloom, now an alicorn, walked up the stairs and was given a crown with a white gem on it.
"Princess Scootaloo."
Scootaloo, also an alicorn, walked up and was given a crown with a yellow orb on it.
"Princess Sweetie Belle."
Sweetie Belle was given a crown with an amethyst on it.
"Princess Minuette"
Minuette's crown had a piece of lapis lazuli.
"Princess Twinkleshine."
Twinkleshine's crown had a pink diamond on it.
"And Princess Lemon Hearts."
Lemon Hearts received a crown with an emerald.

"There they are, the new rulers and princesses of Equestria!" Celestia announced.

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