Hey babe.

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G!P Lauren

Lauren's POV

After months and months of being over seas, I finally get to come home. When I found out about the news that I could to come back for 2 months, I was more than overjoyed. It wasn't a long time, but it was longer than most.

I missed my family entirely too much. I mean, my mom's cooking was off the chain and I loved watching sports games with my dad, especially basketball. We'd drink a couple of beers and just hang out. It was our thing.

Most importantly, I missed my girlfriend and son the most. I hated being away from them for so long.

Before I left, I found out she was pregnant. She was barely 2 weeks along and she didn't tell me because she didn't want me to worry about her while I was away. Even if she wasn't pregnant, I would worry about her and our son regardless of the situation.

I missed his birth and I missed his 2nd and 3rd birthdays from being deployed. I can never make up for those and I don't want that to be the case with our second child.

I did get to Skype with him for his 4th birthday though. He told me all about the new toy his Aunty Mani got him and how she was his favorite. Normani only rolled her eyes because next week his Aunty Ally would be his favorite but she still couldn't help but brag.

I was so thankful those 2 were there for her while I was away. I honestly would never be able to replay them for all they've done for my family.

I still thought that him explaining what he got was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I love my baby boy and I missed him dearly so seeing his face was the light of my life in this terrible war.

Now, Camila is around 9 months pregnant and could go into labor at any moment but she insists that she can't miss any of the tour.

You see, her, Ally and Normani are in this huge band known world wide called Third Harmony. They formed it about 8 years ago and they just blew up into this worldwide pop sensational girl group.

They've sold out millions of arenas and have had sold out tours across the world.

Camila and I have know each other for our whole lives. We've been best friends since some boy in preschool took her bow and I punched him and gave it back to her. We've been inseparable ever since and did absolutely everything together.

But around the time I was 15 and she was 14 I had developed a major crush that soon turned into me being madly in love with her.

Every time she would mention a boy or a possible crush I would get so jealous. She would never understand the way I acted and then one day she just asked me if I liked her.

I, of course, denied it but the she kissed me and I kissed her back. That's how she knew I was lying and she confessed her feelings for me as well.

I immediately asked her to be my girlfriend that exact same day and we've been together ever since and I couldn't be happier.

I managed to join the army as soon as I turned 18 where I met my best friend Dinah Jane Hansen. I introduced her to Camila's best friend and the two hit it off immediately.

Camila said she was okay with me joining the army but as soon as I said I was getting deployed, she broke down in sobs at the airport.

I told her that I would be fine and that nothing was going to happen to me and that I would come back home to her safely.

Around that time, Camila's band had taken off and I was grateful she had something to keep her mind off of me being out in the action.

After serving for 4 years I got the call and was able to return home for 2 weeks.

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