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A/N: based off Starving by Hailee Steinfeld

You know just what to say
That scares me, I should just walk away
But I can't move my feet
The more that I know you, the more I want to
Something inside me's changed
I was so much younger yesterday, oh

"Come on Jauregui. You can do this. You're Lauren Jauegui, captain of the softball team. You're the big dog. The MAN! She's not gonna say no!" Lauren pepped talked herself, not noticing the weird stares of her fellow peers as they passed her in the school hallway.

Lauren had been feigning after the school's star soccer player, Camila Cabello, for ages. She's asked her out several times and each time she was hit with a devastating no, but Lauren was determined. She was going to ask Camila Cabello out again and this time, she was definitely not going to say no.

"No." Lauren hadn't even had a chance to say anything before the star player immediately shut her down. Lauren was confused, Camila walked past her without a second glance. Lauren watched her walk, wondering what had just happened.

"But I... I didn't even say anything." She sighed, bowing her head. Lauren didn't understand why she kept getting rejected. I mean she was the whole packed. Athletic, intelligent, beautiful, charming and just all around amazing.

"Just give up Lauser," Dinah, Lauren's bestfriend, said as she approached her. She grabbed Lauren's shoulder comfortingly.

This was like Lauren's 15th time getting rejected and Dinah was tired of seeing her best friend chase after somebody that obviously wasn't interested.

"You're just going to keep getting your heartbroken. Sorry Lauser but maybe Camila isn't the one for you." Lauren sighed, maybe Dinah was right. Maybe she should stop chasing after somebody that doesn't want to be chased.

So that's what Lauren did, she stopped the chasing.

Camila on the other hand, liked being chased by Lauren. She liked when Lauren would walk her to class and carry her books, that only happened twice though but she loved it very much. She liked the small compliments she would give her each day and that adorable shy smile would spread across Lauren's face.

Lauren was a sweetheart and she didn't understand why she'd say no to her after every time she asked her out. She just figured she was just afraid to date again after being in a toxic relationship for a little less than a year. She wasted so much time on that person and she was scared to open her heart up again. So she let Lauren chase her and maybe one day when she was ready, she would finally be able to say yes. That wasn't being selfish right?


Lauren had stopped chasing her, she'd stop speaking to Camila altogether, finding it painful to know the younger girl didn't like her that way. I mean no one wants to get rejected by their crush, especially multiple times at that and especially when they were sending signals that possibly meant the feelings were mutual. So when Camila tried to speak to Lauren, the older girl would just look the other way or ignore her. It was hard but she couldn't take the pain of heartbreak any longer.

Camila wasn't used to this and she did not like it one bit.

"You're thinking about Lauren again aren't you?" Normani, Camila's bestfriend, asked but she already knew the answer.

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