wedding // chapter 23

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This will be really short, I'm sorry


Today was the wedding. My dress was hanging in front of my closet, and all of my makeup and hair things were placed in my bathroom. Cara and Caroline are coming over soon, so we can fix ourselves togheter.

Elena is with Jo, helping her with the wedding things and Damon is with Alaric. 

Kai said he was going to come right before I was going, because he wanted 'to see me actually wearing something nice for once.', since I always wore sweats.

The wedding was in three hours, and I couldn't wait. I love weddings, seeing two people actually saying yes to be with the one person until you die. The way they stare at each other, like they were the only one's in the room. The way the room was so filled up with happiness, joy and love. That is rare. Alaric and Jo are perfect togheter, and I really can't wait to see them getting married today.

"I'm still so suprised you are wearing a dress," I heard from the door, seeing Caroline.

"Hey!" I said, smiling bright. Caroline sat on my bed, and I saw Cara following her.

"I have known her for over a hundred years, and I've only seen her wear a dress like that six times." Cara said, and Caroline looked at me like she saw a ghost.

"Emma, please don't tell me that's true." She said, closing her eyes and hoping this was a dream.

I chuckled, "It's not nice to lie." I said, making a sad face.

"How can you only wear a dress six times in one century?!" She said, looking really upset.

"Okay, just because Cara saw me only wear a dress six times does not mean I only wore a dress six times. I did dress up alot in the twenty's, and I was barely with her when Stefan and I decided to go to New Orleans." I said.

"You were with Stefan during his ripper time?" Caroline asked.

"Well, yeah kind of. I had my humanity shut off back then so Stefan, Klaus, Rebekah and I were quite a team."

"Wow, that's squad goals." Caroline giggled to herself.

"Yes, very." I said, running my fingers through my hair, yawning.

"We only have two hours to fix ourselves, so chop chop!" Cara shouted, and we all ran to the bathroom.

Caroline was curling her straight hair, Cara put her hair in a bun and was putting on makeup. I thought for a minute how my hair was going to look like. Should it be a pretty french braid to the side, or curling it? Or should I go boring and just keep it straight? Should I put my hair up in a elegant ponytail, or just put my hair in a bun to earn a slap from Caroline?

I decided to put my hair up, and curl my ponytail. I would eventually put my hair back down, but if I curled it like this it would look so much better.

After fixing my hair and makeup, Cara and Caroline were still fixing themselves. I went back into my room, and looked at my dress. It was a really simple dress. It was royal blue, a tight dress. It reached down to my knees and it had long sleeves.

After putting the dress on, and Cara and Caroline getting ready, we were all ready to go.

As we were walking out of my room, Kai was standing at the door.

"We'll meet you there, okay?" Cara said nodding to me, and walked out of the room with Caroline.

"Hey." Kai said, smiling. He was wearing a suit?

"Hey," I said, checking him out. He was really handsome with a suit, but he didn't have a tie, or a tux. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, as we moved to my bed.

"I need to say something to you." He said, looking really sad.

"Hey, what is it?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Emma, thank you. Thanks for always being there for me, for always cheering me up, for always listening to me, for always being so understanding and for being the most perfect human being ever. Before I met you, I was filled with hate. All I could think about was revenge, hate and how to make my family suffer. My mind and soul was pure hate and evil, and I didn't have one single positive thought in my head. But when I met you, you made me feel less crazy. You told me that the feelings I was feeling was completely normal, and that made me feel a bit more.. less crazy I guess. When I was doing the wrong things, you stopped me and made me realize that is was wrong. Like when I tried to kill Liv, you stopped me, and even if I was pretty annoyed at first, now I'm so grateful for it. Even if they don't like me, I'm kind of happy they aren't dead." He said, looking into my eyes.

I blushed, and looked down to the floor.

"You look extremely beautiful, like always." He said, and lifted up my chin with his index finger.

"Thanks." I said quietly. "Why do you have a suit on?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry." He said, and walked out of the room. What the hell?

"What are you doing?" I asked, following him. As I was walking out of the room, I crashed into nothing. It was like an invinsible wall.

"I'm sorry." Kai said, turning around. I tried to put my arm through the door, and it stopped.

"What the hell have you done?" I growled at him. He wasn't invited to the wedding, he was wearing a suit and he just put a spell on my room.

"I've cloaked you, put a spell on your room so you will be trapped, no one will hear you." He said, a tear falling from his eye.

"Why?" I asked, my eyes staring to fill with tears.

"Jo is pregnant with twins, they will merge at the age of 22 and I will not be the Gemini Coven leader. I need to kill them." He said crying. 

Suddenly, the feeling of wanting to strangle somebody rushed into my body. "Wow, being the Gemini Coven leader for 22 years isn't enough? You want to kill your own twinsister children?" I scoffed, trying to vamp speed to break the invinsible wall.

"I don't want that." He said, trying not to look at me.

"So you trapped me inside this room so I couldn't stop you from ruining Jo's wedding?" I asked, crossing my arms.


"If you leave this house, I will leave you. I'll leave Mystic Falls, and you will never see me again." I said, tears now streaming down my face. I meant it. If he decided to kill Jo's and Ric's children I would leave, and stay away from Kai.

"Emma, please understand me." He said, holding his hand over his eyes, because he was feeling so ashamed that he was actually doing this.

"Killing four of your siblings I could handle. Killing two babies? That draws the line. If you leave now, you are throwing away our relationship. I've told you my deepest secrets, and I trust you with my life. Are you really willing to throw that away?" I said through my tears.

"Goodbye, Emma." He said, turning around and walking away.

"Kai! Malachai Parker, don't you dare!" I screamed, but he kept walking. 

Just like that, he threw away our love. He just.. left.


oo cliffhanger

sorry this sucks

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