cemetery // chapter 12

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okay i did NOT understand nothing about the "christmas through your eyes" 6x10 episode about the magic anti-border spell thing, probably because i'm norwegian holla but let's not just care about that ok fine :):) pretend it's over the border or whatever


Caroline and I vamp sped to the cemetery, and when we arrived, Alaric was holding a gun to Kai's head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I vamp sped in front of Alaric and Kai. Damon was standing behind me.

"Emma?" Kai whispered, like he couldn't believe I was there.

"He wants to do the merge!" Alaric said, and Kai was just had this evil grin on his face.

"Then let them do the bloody merge! Alaric, let him go!" I shouted, and Alaric looked at me, before hitting Kai in the head with the pistol.

He was unconscious. I kneeled beside him, and stroke him on the cheek.

"Lock him up," Alaric said, and Damon lifted him up. Alaric walked to the car and handed Damon the chains.

I didn't bother to fight them, it was probably the best.

"What going on here?" Caroline walked up to us.

"All of Kai's siblings are in the mausoleum, he tried to reunite Jo with her magic by stabbing her. Or Luke isn't there, whatever, go see for yourself," Alaric said.

I turned my head to the mausoleum, and heard people talking. I decided to walk up there, and finally meet them.

I walked into the mausoleum , and saw Liv and another woman sitting in there.

"Hey, you're Liv, right?" I said, and she nodded.

I looked at Jo, and she stood up. "Hey, I'm Jo, Kai's twinsister." she said, smiling at me.

"I'm Emma, Damon and Stefan's sister." I said and laughed. 

"Little sister?" Liv asked, and I shook my head.

"Damon's little sister, Stefan's big sister." I smiled.

"Jo!" I hear Alaric shout from outside.

"I have to go, but it was nice meeting you." She flashes a smile before going outside, and Liv follows.

I walk out, and see Alaric, Jo and Liv sitting into Ric's car, and driving off to somewhere.

"Is he still unconscious?" I ask Damon. 

"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. Caroline is sitting against the wall.

Damon threw something at headstone, and I noticed he had his hands full of rocks.

"Damon," I said firmly.

"What? It's not like I'm hitting him, and even if I did it, it doesn't matter." He smiled and continued.

I walked up the large headstone he was chained up to on the other side, and saw Kai was awake.

"Hi," I said and sat infront of him.

"Hey," he said, not making a face expression or anything. "Where did you sleep last night?" (aha nirvana i know)

"At Caroline's dorm room." I said, spreading out my legs while sitting in front of him. (idk) I was playing with the leaves on the ground. "I want to go home so bad," 

"Why don't you?" he said, tilting his head to the side.

"Because of the stupid anti-magic border spell on Mystic Falls," I said and turned to left, and threw a rock on a bird sitting on a tree.

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