Chapter 8

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-Avalon's POV-

"It was my fault." I squeaked. "I am the one who made them stay in the bathroom. It's just that I am having problems. See last night." I wailed, choking before I continued. "Wasn't the best night of my life. Probably the worst night. It all happened when I had a phone call. It was about how my host family's son "broke up" with his girlfriend." I said quoting the 'broke up' with my fingers. I knew this was a long shot trying to explain something I can't even comprehend myself.

"But I knew it was a lie. Why would anyone call me and say that? So I hung up. Simple as that. Then I got a message from an unknown number, telling me to 'watch my back.' That she would come and torture me if I kept up my act." I whispered. Looking up at the principal I could see that she didn't believe me one bit. Pinching my eyes shut to keep the tears from falling, one escapes my eye. Trailing down my face and hitting the floor.

"Then I had this dream. I committed suicide just because I couldn't find anyone at my house or the school." I let out, with a breath of air.

"Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, Avalon. But that is still no excuse for why you didn't go to the first hour. I'm going to have you be put in after school detention, and Karle, Riley you guys are free to go." Mrs. Denman huffed. Pulling out a pad of paper and a pen, ripping off three passes and one detention slip. Handing them to use she starts to make her way to the door.

"But Mrs. Denman. It possibly can't be Avalon's fault, she had a bad night. We are the ones who dragged her into the bathroom." Karle said pointing between Riley and herself.

"Well. How 'bout we just put all three of you in after school detention for tonight." She declared over her shoulder. "Okay get to class."

Rising out of the seat, I head to the third hour. Walking into Algebra. Taking my normal seat, I wait for class to start.

Why? I thought. It's not like I did anything wrong. I deserve to be here as much as the next person. Stuck in my daydream I didn't realize Mr. Stewart called on me.

"Avalon?" Mr. Stewart called, impatient.

Shaking my head I looked toward him.

"Yes?" I ask quietly.

"Do you know the answer?" He asked glaring at me.

Seeing that I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. He repeated the question.

"What is the square root of pie?" He asked drumming his fingers against the whiteboard ledge.

Smiling, I announced confidently. "1.77245"

Mr. Stewart's eyes bugged before returning to normal. "Very good."

Blushing, I stare down at my colorful notes.

Algebra and French history went by slow. It was time for my free hour so I decided I would hang out in the library. I walked down the long hallway towards the back entrance to the school's library. Grabbing books off the shelf, I scan through them and put them back. Finding a book on cats, I grab it and take a seat close to the door.

Reading about the anatomy of cats for over forty minutes started to bore me. I get up and leave to go to my locker and grab my stuff for Advisory.

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