Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Veronica and Jessie arrive at a small clearing after making it threw the meadows; they set a camp in the woodlands after riding for over five hours. Jessie wanted to continue, but the king's horse was not use to riding such far distances all in one day. The king may have been a wise man, but he knew nothing of a lengthy battle. His strength was commanding the people in is kingdom and only that. Jessie knew that the king would send men after them. He was a stubborn man and long after the anger has subsided he would still search for them just to get his revenge.

Veronica was still hunched over on the horse holding onto its forelock after Jessie had gotten off and made camp. Jessie walked over to Veronica and put her hand on her back rubbing her long hair.

"What are you feeling?" Jessie said staring in her eyes.

Veronica opened her mouth to talk and then shut it grunting and closing her eyes.

"I can't breathe." She whispered.

"Come on, I have to get you off of here to see what I can do." Jessie said putting her arms out, one under Veronica's legs and the other behind her back.

Veronica held her breath as they moved trying not to scream from the pain she still felt. Jessie set her down gently on a pile of blankets that she'd gotten from the horse's saddle and Veronica's leather bag.

"My apologies" Jessie said watching her face clearly scream pain louder than her voice.

Jessie lifted Veronica's shirt and noticed the enormous bruise covering almost half of her stomach. She gently touched over her stomach and then ribs noticing a crumbling feeling underneath her fingertips.

"He's evil." She whispered knowing that at least one of Veronica's ribs was broken if not more.

"I'm okay" Veronica said with her eyes closed swallowing hard and taking a deep breath only to breath out fast as she felt a sharp pain.

"If your rib is broken you need to breathe deeply... I know it hurts." Jessie said with concern in her eyes. "Breathing as shallow as you are is bad for your lungs." Jessie slowly pulled Veronica's shirt down.

After Jessie gathered some fire wood and lit a fire surrounded by some stones she picked up, so the fire wouldn't wonder off, she laid next to veronica and pulled the blanket over them. After snuggling closer and getting quiet for a while Jessie started to get tired and was about to drift off to sleep when...

"Who was she?" Veronica said slowly remembering the girl who was sitting on the bed with Jessie.

"Veronica..." Jessie said a bit agitated. "It's not important" She said brushing the question off.

"It's important to me." Veronica said looking over into Jessie's eyes that look to be glowing from the light of the camp fire.

"She's no one" Jessie said staring back at her and then turning on her side so her back faced Veronica.

Veronica laid on her back staring up at the stars listening to Jessie breath deeply in her sleep, until finally she drifted off to sleep as well.

Veronica's dream of the night Jessie left


Jessie walks into Veronica's room in the night. Everyone was asleep, but of course the princess.

"Veronica...?" Jessie whispered as she entered the room.

Veronica walked out of her bathing room and was dressed in the finest dress she could find.

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