Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Veronica wakes up to the thud of cold drops of water hitting her forehead. As she opens her eyes all she can see is darkness.

“Is… anywhere here?” She says her voice cracking with fear.

She hears footsteps and she backs up against a cold hard surface trying to see into the darkness. Suddenly a flame flickers down a stair case and veronica notices she is in a holding cell.

“Please help me!” Veronica says getting up and holding on to the thick iron bars of her cell.

The flame gets closer to her until veronica can finally make out who is holding it.

“Mum…” Veronica says and starts to cry. “What’s going on...?”

The Queen, Rebecca lights all of the torches in the cellar to revile just how disgusting it really is. The floor is slimy with vomit and moss and the walls are covered in vines and scratches from the past inhabitants.

“Why would you do this Veronica?” Rebecca speaks to her daughter staring at her in her eyes and walking closer to the cell.

Veronica thinks for a moment and decides it would be pointless to ask what she did wrong. She knew what she did and she knows what is to come. She can’t help but to wonder if everything she did was really worth it.

“I am in love… I suppose this is what people do when they are in love. They make a fool of themselves…” Veronica says shivering from the bitter cold of the damp floor.

Rebecca walks to the cell her daughter is in and holds her hands starting to shed tears thinking of the harsh reality that is soon to come.

“You’re going to get out of here and you will run and run and you won’t stop… ever…” Rebecca puts her hands on her daughter’s cheeks and doesn’t break eye contact. “I cannot give you the key to this cell, but I can give you this.” Rebecca reaches into her dress and pulls out a small sack. “You will know what to do with it when the time comes.” “Never forget that I love you darling…” The queen kisses Veronicas forehead gently. “I have to go. Your father is watching my every move…” The queen says and then slowly walks away.

“I love you too mum...” Veronica says as her mother walks back out of the cellars and up into the strangely quiet kingdom.

Veronica opens the small woven sack that her mother gave her and looks inside...

“A vial?” Veronica says confused.

She studies the small vial and notices a strange liquid inside of it. Veronica then hears footsteps and quickly stashes the vial down her blouse.

“The king is ready for you my’ lady” A guard says.

 The guard then unlocks the door and ties her hands behind her back tightly with rope. He then takes an old dusty sack and puts it over her head leading her through the castle and out into the kingdom.

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