The Crazy thing you do for love

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Chapter cinco, Welcome to New Orleans

Katherine has been driving nonstop since they left she was determined to get to New Orleans. She noticed as the hours passed Nadia started to look worst she guessed she only has a couple more days.

As she continued to drive she looked back at the blondes in the back sleeping she really hoped they could help persuade the originals cause her charms could only go so far.

It was 4 in the morning when she finally had a huge weight lifted off her shoulders as she passed the " Welcome to New Orleans" Sign.

" wake up goldy locks one and two" Katherine said loudly enough so they could hear but not to wake Nadia

As they woke Caroline had a confuse look on her face. " what time is it and where are we" she asked

" a little past 4 and we just entered New Orleans so I say as soon as we pass a decent motel we stop you and Marty could get all dolled up for your lover and we could go head out and find out where they leave" Katherine said her usual Katherine smile that helps her get her way.

" wait so you don't know where they live " asked Matt

" well matty dear step one in avoiding death the pierce way is not knowing where your enemy lives, just make sure you don't bump into them"

While they drove into the more city part of New Orleans they heard a scream coming from Nadia, who was still in a sleep like state

" the first steps of the venom most being starting which is severe pain and chilling sweats, which leads to-"

Caroline cut her off " visions then death, Katherine right we should find a place quickly to clean our selves up then leave, I'm not sure how much Nadia might have left.

After Katherine heard that she quickly went to look for the first motel she sees.

" there" Matt said pointing to a old fashioned motel

Katherine looked up and read the sign "crescent motel, good enough" she said parking and getting out to get Nadia and go in
" are you coming" she said looking back at at the two still in the car " we have no time to waste"

As soon as she said that they exited the car and Headed in the motel

"Let me" Matt said grabbing Nadia from Katherine and carrying her in the motel

" ok we found a place step two get fixed up and let's go find some originals" Katherine said

Sorry it was short but I can happily say that I'm back

Thank you to everyone who has stayed with this story and given support to me thanks to you I'm finally back in swing to write

Klarshiper, <3

The crazy things you do for love (kalijah, klaroline)Where stories live. Discover now