Leaving part 3

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Chapter 5: Percy pov

"Perseus is that you?" The man says as he walks trough the vortex and you can detect the sadness in his voice. The first thing going trough my head is run but instead I walk forward. "Who is asking sir?" I say in a dangerous and slow tone. Then I look around and see the girls bowing. "Perseus I am your father and I was told u and your mom died."

"My father is dead!" I yell at him with tears coming down my face. Then I fall to the ground. "Percy I am your father please stop crying." Then he steps forward and hugs me. I slowly stop crying and then I look him in the eyes.

"What do you mean my mom they said my mom died?" I ask scared. "Sh-she had an accident at work and she didn't make it." He says slowly. "WHY, WHY ME!" I scream and pass out.

◀◀◀10 Miniuts Later▶▶▶

Artemis pov

He passes out when he here's the news so me and my hunters get him to the healers tent. "Hunters I am going to Olympus. Don't do anything bad and if he wakes up iris message me." "Yes ma'am" I here Zoe say. Then I flash to Olympus. I shoot an arrow at the sky.

All the gods flash in 1 by 1. "Artemis why have you called us?" Zeus asks. Posiden responds firt "My son is not dead." "What you had a son?!" Zeus yells at him.

"As I was saying where shall he go?" I say over the Olympians. They all look at me like I was insane. "To the underworld." Zeus says a little to fast. "I will not allow you to kill my son." Posiden says looking straight at Zeus.

"Posiden shall he go to camp half blood or will you allow me to bless him and have him join the hunt so he doesn't become a pig like most men?" I ask politely. All the gods look at me like I am some stranger. "You hate men." my brother Apollo says shoked that I asked this.

"Its up to him but I am fine as long as he stays safe and happy." Posiden says to me. And as soon as he said that an iris message appears and I see my hunters. "Lady Artemis he is awake." Zoe says plainly. "I'm coming." I tell her. And I flash to camp.

I appear next to Zoe causing her to jump. "Percy come here I have a question for you." I say. "Yes Artemis." He responds politely. "Would you like to go to camp half blood or stay here and gain my blessing?" I ask him. There was a chorus of 'whats' and 'but he's a boy' from around camp. He looks me in the eyes and says "Sorry lady Artemis but this is a camp for girls so I would like to go to camp half blood." I just stare at him. "OK I will flash us to camp." I say as I touch his shoulder and flash us to camp.

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