Im different...... Chapter 22

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So I just figured out that we have prom coming up so far I don't have a date. Then I saw Benny with heart shaped balloons and a big teddy bear with a sign that says "prom?" . He walked up to camryn and gave her the teddy bear.

Camryn: OH MY GOSH!!!

She got up and hugged Benny . She hugged him so hard.

Camryn:yes, yes I will go to prom with you!!

Everyone around us was saying aww.

Me:aww that's cute Benny

Bemny: I know


Ring ring ring

Me:wait lunch was really quick


When I got into the hallway I saw two men with viloen and the other with a thing with rose petals in it. Then another man rolled a carpet. There was a sign some gave to me that said "walk forward" I walked forward and they started to play the violen and throw rose petals. Then Malak came and he grabbed my hand.

Malak: Brooklyn, it would be the honor to take you a beautiful,fun, cool  person  to the prom

Me:Awww *hugs malak* Malak yes I will go with you!!

Random girl: aww so sweet!!

At that point I almost past out. I couldn't belive that I was going to prom with the guy I loved to watch on vine all the time. When I went home and walked with Skylar I talked about me and Malak.

Skylar: so your dating?

Me: NO!!!! Just friends


Me:but anyways he's so sweet

Skylar: do I know you don't want to talk about it but what happen at school earlier

Me: he was trying to touch me

Skylar: what did he look like?!

Me:well he is dark skinned and he had an ugly face

Skylar: do you know how old he was?!

Me: well about your age

Skylar: ok brookie let me see that boy in school I WILL KNOCK THE CRAP OUT  Of HIM!

Me: sky I have a question?

Skylar:yea what is it

Me:why are you always there for me

Skylar:because your my baby sister my job is to take care of you my job is to be your second mom I will always be there for you

Me:aww sky I love

Skylar: I love you too!

When we got home my mom ran to me and asked me if I was alright.

Mom: are you ok honey?!

Me:yes mom I'm fine now



Then I texted Malak. I ate dinner after that. I took a shower and went to bed. But I couldn't really go to bed. I was thinking about prom. Until I over thought something and fell asleep i hope tomorrow will be better.

Becoming friends with Malak WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now