Love and be on! Chapter32

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I wake up and turn to see Malak sleeping like a baby. I had to take a pic of him. I kiss him and turn back over. But when I turn over he rolls on me and kisses me back. Then I hear a knock on the door. ITS CAMRYN!!!!we haven't seen her in forever. But when we did she had a black eye a busted lip and scratches on her face.


Camryn:let's just say that's what I get when I tell my dad I'm coming back a 8:00pm but I come back at 12:00am instead.

Ben: are you ok?!

Camryn: babe I missed you *runs up to him and hugs him*

Ben:umm........yeah about this whole realshionship thing I don't think I can do this anymore

Camryn: umm........... *wipes a tear* I think I should go .............

Me: camryn wait! Please don't go Ben is being a..........I'm not even going to say it

Camryn: no do defend me I think it's best for me to go *leaves*

Me: really Ben really let me guess you like tannisha


Tannisha:uh for real you know we've been best friends FOREVER ever since we were 3

Ben: I know that's the hard part all I need is someone who gets me and obviously you get me.

Tannisha: my thing is let's just take it slow were still best friends now go get camryn fast and tell her sorry and ask her if you could still be friends


Then I hear somebody tackles me and says "BOO!"

Me: stop!

Malak: I love you

Me: I love you too but you gotta stop scaring me!


I hope camryn comes back.

To be continued ..........

(A pic of tannisha when she was 4 to see a pic of her now read part 2 which is comming up)

Becoming friends with Malak WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now