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I look at my lips imagining his on mine. I smile and walk out of my room. I fly to class. I fly in my seat humming the song 'am I blue'. Bruce had hummed it while we were watching a movie a few nights ago. Then Bruce came in finally. I smiled and he returned it. He kisses me on the cheek. I felt blush run to my cheeks.

"Hey Diana,bat tonight's couples night,it's me and Lois barry and jade ,shyera and John maybe you two...wanna join" it was Clark..I shrugged.....I secretly really did want to go.

"Uhh,,...sure I guess" he said looking at his paper of fighting techniques.
"Who's place"

"GLs place"
"We will be there" I smiled.

"Ok class to day we will be working on mind capability, j'on please come" he went to the front of the class.

"He will find your deepest fears and ace them in your mind and if you over come these fears then your mind will be strong so you would not lose to a mind reader or someone who can manipulate you" we all nodded.

We were teleported onto tables and straps around our arms.
"Close your eyes" we a all did and that's when I felt sleepy.

I opened my eyes again and I was in my home island. It was destroyed like on the dream I had but it all went away and there was Bruce.....again. He was trying to say something to me. His mouth was moving but no voice. I ran closer and realized what he was saying...

"I don't care"
"I don't care, I dot want you,I have myself to take care of not some.....girl" tears were in my eyes. I wanted to hurt him but I couldn't.
"Please stop Bruce" I went close to him.

"Don't touch me.....I don't love you your just some freak that lives on an island full of girls"

"Noooo,stop please."
"T-this can't be real" I then realize this was supposed to be an exercise for our minds...but it's so real.

"Yah.!.,,,huyaaa" I was walking ahead of my parents,we just finished the movie 'the mark of Zorro' I laugh as I pretend to fight.

"Take that!" I smile with my eyes close when I see a man In This long coat. His hands were in his pockets. I remember.

"Wait no go back!" I scream at my younger self.

"Stop what are you doing!!!" He holds the gun out and shoots my dad first.

"Noooo!!!" Then my mom....her necklace of pearls that my dad got her scatter around me,there blood on my shoes. I drop to my knees. Mom,dad. Then it all turns white.

"His all your fault"
"No don't"
"You let us die"
"You murdered us"
"If you weren't born we wouldn't be at that alley!"

"Boo Damn it you wouldn't say those"
"Yes we would" a gun appears in my hands.
"If we aren't your parents then shoot us,shoot this version" these aren't them I know it isn't. I hold the gun up.

"We love you brucey " it moves in my hands.
"I love you" I then pull the trigger.

I jerk up and fall to the floor.every one was screaming in terror they were walking around rubbing their temples. I heard crying.

"Diana?" She wasn't dreaming in terror she was....crying.
"No...no...no" I went over to her. She looks my way.

"Bruce" she whispers out. I hold her.

"It .....wasn't real"

(Lunch time)
She has her head down on the table sleeping from the stress of this morning. I looked over and flash was drawing something. He looked up then back to his drawing. And that's when the bell ring. She woke up and began walking to her locker. She stopped and I along with her. She puts her hands to my chest.

"I do t want that to happen ever again" u lean down to kiss her. And I do.

I lean to kiss him. Even though I'm very much taller than him. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me.

"Just can't get enough of each other" Bruce looks and gives them a finger and leads me back to class.

(After school)
I walk to the edge of the school with Bruce.

"Wait guys hold up"
"Yeah" it was flash
"I drew t'all something" he handed us a picture of me and Bruce.
"Thank you" I smile and Bruce is shocked.

"I-i-I don't have a beard" he says bluntly. We both laugh.

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