A Princess in a Tower

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Lucy and Levy had prepared Lucy's apartment for the sleep over, by angling the couch so that it was perpendicular to the bed, with the coffee table placed in the center – snacks on top – and pillows laid out on the other side for more seating. They had just changed into their pajamas and arranged the last of the food, along with a few movie selections on the table, when a knock sounded at the door. Throwing a large smile at one another Lucy ran to answer the door as Levy took a seat at the foot of the bed.

"Hey guys! Come on in!" Excited to see her friends, Lucy opened the door wide for them to pass through with a large smile as a greeting. Mira, Lisanna, Erza, Juvia, Cana, and Wendy all filtered past her and into the apartment, each carrying a pillow and small overnight bag. Knowing the drill, all of the girls quickly placed any food they brought onto the already overcrowded table, quickly changed into their pajamas, and selected a spot to sit for the night. Cana sat on a pillow with her back propped up against the bed, Lucy was sitting cris-cross on the bed with her knee pressed up against Levy's leg, who was swaying her feet back and forth. Wendy was squished in between Erza and Juvia on the couch, and the Straus sisters had created a nest of pillows on the ground. Both of whom were laying on their stomachs and propped up on their elbows, Lisanna letting her head lean to the side and rest in her hand while Mira had lost her hand in a bag of pretzels. They were laying close to each other, shoulders and hips pressed together. The girls still reveled in moments like this, trying to make up for the years that they missed while Lisanna was in Edolas.

"Alright," Mira called out as she swallowed another pretzel, "let's get down to business." Smiles spread across all of the girls faces. They all felt it had been far too long since they had a girls' night. Leaning to one side, she stuck out her free arm and pointed to Lucy. "Spill. What happened before the kiss?"

Lucy giggled to herself as the girls all leaned in to listen to her story. "Well, we had finished that job in Magnolia and were headed back to the guild hall, when some bandits tried to rob us." She paused a moment for dramatic effect, waiting for a reaction from the girls. Although it was clear that they were uninterested in this part of the story. They knew a couple of bandits wasn't anything those two couldn't handle, and besides there was clearly no kissing going on during a battle. So Lucy continued, "Anyway, they tried the whole do what we say or we will hurt the girl routine, but of course we saw through that. Long story short we fought them off but I did hurt my ankle in the fight. So I summoned Horologium to carry me back to the guild." She could see that the girls felt this had nothing to do with what they wanted to know, and Mira in particular seemed to be exasperated that the story wasn't moving fast enough. She even gave a slight eye role or a sigh of frustration every time Lucy paused for a breath.

"You know how it is though, my spirits can't stay in this world forever. So about two miles from the guild, just before we got into town, he disappeared back into the Spirit World. And that, ladies, is when Natsu reached down and scooped me right up into his arms! He carried me right through town and the rest of the way back to the guild without a second thought." Now she had their attention of real. Mira was rolling around on her back, alternating between laughing, trying to catch her breath and clutching Lisanna by the arm. Levy and Wendy both had their eyes popping out of their heads, surprised that Natsu would make a move like that, and the rest of the girls were either smiling or giggling at the image they had conjured up of the couple in their heads. Lucy smiled at their reactions, glad to see her friends having a good time and excited that she got to talk about boys with all of them again.

"Basically you all know what happened after that. We got back to the guild and just after I thanked him, he leaned down and kissed me out of nowhere. Just as I started to kiss him back that is when Mirajane walked out the doors and saw us." Blushing a little as she finished her story she looked over to Mira to see her still giggling and holding onto Lisanna's arm tightly.

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