A Diamond in the Rough

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It was nearly six o'clock and Mirajane was sitting on the couch in the living room, sliding on her shoes as she heard two strong, steady knocks on the door. Smiling to herself, she stood up to answer it. Behind her, Lisanna had crept down the stairs, and was peaking around the corner to spy on her sister. Having not gone to the guild to hang out with Elfman for the evening like Mira told her to. She pulled the door open and her breath caught in her throat for a moment. Laxus had left her with a note when he walked her home the night before saying to dress up for their date, but she didn't expect this. Laxus looked amazing and she was loving the glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He was wearing a black suit and black button up shirt, with his hands in his pockets, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Shall we?" he asked, sticking one elbow out as an invitation for her to take it. And she did, smiling up at him as she stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her. Lisanna had to cover her mouth to keep from squealing out in excitement.

They walked down the street, both with electric tingles dancing out from where their arms were linked together. Laxus was as taken with Mira as she was with him, butterflies in his stomach at the slinky burgundy dress she was in that dipped low down her back, and the smile she was wearing on her face. "So, where are we going?" Mira asked, turning the large grin that was spread across her face towards him in anticipation.

"You will just have to wait and see." He replied, returning the smile. They continued walking, chatting about the guild, jobs and just enjoying each other's company as Laxus lead them through town. He kept an eye on her as they turned the corner, wanting to see her reaction. He stopped in front of a restaurant and as she finished saying whatever she had been babbling on about - Laxus hadn't been paying too much attention, he was too nervous about whether Mira would like his surprise or not. She stopped talking as she realized where they had stopped.

"Wait, are you serious?" She asked, a little hesitant at the idea of eating at Myosotis. It had quickly become the most popular - and most expensive - restaurant in Magnolia, and quite possibly most of Fiore as well. "This was so sweet of you to think of, but we can go eat somewhere else, I really don't need to be at any place fancy." She was secretly hoping that he wouldn't accept her offer of going somewhere else. She loved that the restaurant was a flowers name, and wondered if Laxus knew what it meant. "How did you even get us a table here on such short notice?" She asked him, trying to keep herself from rambling any more as he began pulling her towards the doors of the restaurant. A fresh grin plastered across his face at the awed expression that was still on Mira's, a glimmer of surprise and anticipation deep in her eyes.

"I pulled a few strings." He said vaguely, as he pushed through the crowed around the front door with ease and escorted his silver haired beauty into the lobby of the restaurant. What Mira didn't know was what had earned him the favor of pulling a few strings. On his way back into town from a job a few weeks ago, as the sun was starting to set over Magnolia, he had saved a young girl from getting robbed while walking home from the store. The young girl happened to be the restaurant owners daughter. The owner was so grateful that Laxus saved his daughter that he told him he would make sure there was a table with a view for him any time he wanted it. Laxus hadn't cared much, he had only been doing what he thought was the only proper course of action, until he realized the night before that Mira would love to have dinner there.

So there they were, standing arm in arm in front of the hostess, a petite girl with a short brunette pixie cut and blue eyes, as Mira tried to keep the large smile on her face toned down to a slightly less goofy sized grin. "The reservation should be under Laxus." He stated towards the hostess, as she flipped through the papers in front of her and Laxus tried to keep himself from staring at his date.

"Excuse me, Sir," The hostess said, as she flipped a page back and forth, checking both sides several times. Laxus could already feel his stomach dropping, great, he thought to himself, I have already messed it up and our date hasn't even started yet. "It seems that-"

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