10. " A New Found Hope "

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Hanataro didn't fail to notice the puzzled look on Yuuki's face when they were talking about a cure. "Oh... that's right. You still don't know. Do you remember the monster that attacked you?"

Yuuki tensed but nods.

Seeing this, Hanataro continues. "We call them Chained Hollows and it's quite rare to encounter one. Even though they're a bit weak and slow, they're impervious to any kinds of attack. But their numbers have been growing these past years and becoming stronger as well. They didn't attack humans before, now they do but only the ones who can see them. We know nothing about them aside from if they injure someone, even a scratch, that person's soul will be corrupted and turn into one of them. The first symptom is when their eyes turn red. They will eventually lose their sanity and brutally attacks everyone like a savage beast.", he explained then his expression became serious. "But what I'd want to know is how you're still fine after that life threatening attack?"

Yuuki frowns as she looks down at the floor deep in thought. (So that's why Shiro tried to kill me that time... but what I don't understand is, that time when I returned to the past. When Haru-san killed all those people. They weren't attacked by those Chained Hollows but their eyes turned red. They were stuck in the Abyss for a long time..... could that mean that if someone gets exposed to the Abyss then the same thing will happen?! Of course!! I mean, it's where those things came from there so it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. It's the only plausible explanation I can think of. But I have been in both situations. I've even been brought to the Abyss not once but three times already. Yet why am I still... fine after all that?), she thought.

As Yuuki recollects everything, she fails to notice Hanataro calling.

".... Kurosaki-chan?", Hanataro called again.

Yuuki snapped out from her thoughts upon hearing his call and looks at him with a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong? I called you many times but you were deep in thought. Is something bothering you?", Hanataro asked.

Yuuki forced a smile.

~I'm sorry, it's nothing. I just remembered some things that's all.~

"Oh... okay... You should head to the 4th division office, it's just next to this room on the left. Unohana-taichou and Hitsugaya-taichou are already waiting for you there. I bet they'll be asking you tons of questions."

~It's okay, I some have questions I wanted to ask them too, and I also want to visit Hinamori-san after that.~

Hanataro stood from his seat. "Then I'll tell Maeda-san to talk to you later. You seem to be busy and you still need to get some rest.", he started to gather his things. "I should get going then, there are more patients I need to tend to."

~Arigato, Yamada-san.~

Yuuki bows at him politely.

Hanataro returns the gesture. "Douitashimashite."

Shortly afterwards, Yuuki steps outside. Standing in front of the door of the 4th division office, she took a deep inhalation of breath before knocking.

"Come in.", she heard Retsu's voice from the inside.

Yuuki opens the door and steps inside then closes the door behind her.

Retsu smiles at her. "Kurosaki-chan, we were waiting for you, come sit down.", she gestures for the unoccupied seat across them.

Yuuki sits down and faces the two.

"Kurosaki, if you're not feeling well just tell us. Kurosaki doesn't know you're here but the sooner you recover the sooner you can go home.", Toushirou said.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now