34. " Deciding One's Fate "

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Toushirou and Momo came to an argument shortly after he woke up.

"Don't make this harder! It's an order!", the young captain angrily said.

"You're not my captain!!", Momo yelled before storming out of the room.

Silence fell into the room. Toushirou heaves a heavy sigh.

"Oh dear, she's pretty mad...", a voice said.

Toushirou almost fell out of bed in surprise. He whirls around and saw an old woman sitting on the chair Momo vacated. "Wha--?!! W-Who are you?!! Where did you come from?!!", he demanded.

"You can just call me Grandma Farah. You might not remember it but we met when you and Yuuki traveled back in time.", the old woman calmly responded.

"I see.... Yuuki did mention someone who helped us get back. Thanks for your help back then.", the young captain sincerely said.

"It's no problem dear, I just did what I have to do."

(She also mentioned that you can read minds.), Toushiro thought.

"Yes I can."

"So what brings you here?"

"You fought with Fujisaki Michiru, right? I just wanted to ask a favor."

"Of course, you helped us out last time so I just wanted to return the favor."

"Thank you dear."

"So what is it?"

"He took something from me so I want you to get it back."

"I'll try the best I can though.... I'm not sure if I can even get close to him. He's become powerful so I can't assure you if I can accomplish it, I'm sorry."

"That's okay dear, I'm not in a rush to get it back anyway."

"What is this thing that he took from you?"

"It's a ring, a silver one with red gems."

"A ring?"

"It's not an ordinary ring, as long as you wear it you can send someone's consciousness back in time or even in the future."

(I see..... so that's how he was able to show me the past and the future.), Toushiro thought.

"Precisely, as long as he has it, you're future can be rewritten as long as he wishes to."

"That's really bad.... if he has the power to control the future then how can I even defeat him?"

"Then you should take control of the present. Nothing is set in stone, as long as you make the right choices, it will affect the future."

"How do I know if I made the right choice?"

"I know you're smart so if you think Michiru is involved then he's trying to change something, meaning....."

".... he's trying to prevent something because I made the right choice..... I see....", Toushiro mumbled. "Huh? Grandma Farah? She disappeared.... what a mysterious old lady..."

After a while, Toushiro steps out of the room and looks for Momo but she doesn't seem to be in the house.

"Where did she go? Maybe she went to Matsumoto.", he mumbled.

Toushiro makes his way to Orihime's house. When he arrived he rings on the doorbell.

"Coming!", Orihime said from the other side.

Orihime opens the door and was surprised to see Toushiro.

"Toushiro-kun?! What are you doing here? Is it okay for you to be up?"

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