13. " Growing Feelings "

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Orihime came running towards Toushiro moments later to free him but Michiru suddenly appeared behind her.

"Behind you!!", Toushiro warned.

She used Santen Kesshun to block the attack. Ichigo immediately rushed in front of them and gave a quick glance at Yuuki.

"I guess you guys won't mind explaining everything later.", Ichigo sternly said.

Michiru disappears within the mist while Toushiro managed to break free by releasing huge amount of Reiatsu.

"I-It can't be! Your powers were supposed to be nullified while being entrapped!", Michiru said within the mist.

Pin pointing his location, Toushiro uses his Shikai and attacks to the direction where he heard the voice, Michiru got frozen on the spot. Ichigo and Rangiku followed up his attack but dozens of Chained Hollows appeared around him and absorbed their attack making them stronger. Then the ice shattered and Michiru broke free but sustained some damage.

"Y-You brat! What are you?! How come your attacks work on me?! I wasn't told about this!", he angrily said.

"Everyone get back.... time to finish this.", Toushiro firmly said.

"Don't get cocky brat! I'll kill you! The rest of you get the girl! I'll handle this brat myself!", Michiro said as he scowls at him.

Knowing that they can't do anything to fight off against Chained Hollows, Ichigo, Orihime and Rangiku went to Yuuki's side.

"Bankai! Daiguren Hyorinmaru!" Toushiro yelled.

He lunges at the attacking Chained Hollows easily killing them with one swing of his sword. Then he turns to Michiru, knowing he's now outmatched he tried to escape but not without retaliation. He summoned another Chained Hollow and instantly turns it into black mist.

(Oh no! He trying to take Shiro to the Abyss!), Yuuki thought.

She immediately ran towards him.

"Yuuki!", Ichigo called as he tried to stop her.

But another Chained Hollow suddenly appeared and blocked his path. Yuuki reaches out to Toushiro when he was about to be engulfed by the black mist, both of them got taken to the Abyss. Ichigo was utterly speechless as it was déjà vu all over again. The moment they both disappeared, so was the Chained Hollows and Michiru. Everything went back to normal as if nothing happened. Once again Ichigo felt dejected unable to save her. Then he turns to Orihime and Rangiku.

"Inoue, Rangiku-san please tell me everything.", he said with a serious look on his face.

They both nervously look at each other and nods.

"Kurosaki-kun, it's a long story so why don't we go back at my place for now. We'll tell you everything there.", Orihime said.

"They'll be okay, right?", he asked out of concern.

"She's with the Captain so of course they'll be fine.", Rangiku confidently said.


Meanwhile, upon waking up into the Abyss Toushiro immediately called for Yuuki, it was pitch black so he can't see anything.

"Yuuki! Where are you?!", Toushiro called.

Using a Kido spell he created a red light and illuminated within the Abyss. Then he saw Yuuki approaching him.

"Is this the Abyss?", Toushiro asked.

Yuuki nods and suddenly holds his head with both hands to take a closer look at his eyes but the light was also red so she wasn't sure. Surprised by her sudden action he blushed, good thing the light was red he thought.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now