44. " Memories "

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As they gaze at each other, Toushiro suddenly came to a realization, he wasn't in his Gigai so normal people shouldn't be able to see him.

"You... can see me?", he asked.

Yuuki didn't respond and just stood there frozen on the spot.

(Ah crap! What should I do?! I didn't expect to see Shiro here! If I say something he'll know I can see him. It would be the start of him talking to me and ask questions. By the looks of it, it seems he still doesn't remember me...... oh how I missed him.... wait! What am I thinking?! Focus Yuuki, focus!), she frantically thought.

Then she saw a familiar figure behind him.

"Yuu-chan?! Is that really you? What are you doing here?! Since when did you got out of the hospital? Oh wow! I'm surprised to see you!", Miharu happily said as she went past Toushiro.

"M-Me too, I'm surprised to see you as well. Orihime told me you were away on a trip. Since when did you come back?", Yuuki said.

They pretend they can't see him as they continue to chat.

Three months ago when Yuuki was gravely injured, Nagisa, Masahiko, Miharu and Amaterasu combined their powers to heal her. Although, they didn't break the spell Shinjo put on her. Due to the severity of her injury, Grandma Farah made a fake memory to Ichigo and the others that she got into a severe accident. She was in a coma for about a month. Masahiko and the rest decided to take her to their secret hideout for her to continue recuperating while a Shikigami acted as her double for two months. Meaning, she only woke up a few days ago and just returned today.

Miharu came back from her mission to find Shinjo once she heard the news that Yuuki has woken up. They already met for about four hours ago but got separated again when Nagisa called to report about her mission. They just replayed their reunion when Miharu saw Yuuki in a pinch.

(Was it just my imagination?), Toushiro thought as he looks at two chatting happily as if he wasn't there.

Yuuki and Miharu talk as they walk until they pass by Toushiro. A bit convinced that they can't see him, he continues his search for Ichigo and leaves.

(*sigh*) "Thanks Mii-chan... that was a close one. I didn't expect him to show up so suddenly.", Yuuki said.

"Hehehe, Luckily I was right behind him so he might've thought you were staring at me.", Miharu said.

"Yeah.... oh that's right! I thought you were with Orihime?"

"We bumped in to Arisawa-san earlier so I went on ahead."

"I see... we need to call everyone. I think Seireitei is beginning to suspect and they're now searching for us. That may be the reason why Shiro is here."

"Huh? I thought Grandma Farah erased their memories of us?"

"Weren't you listening to what she told us last time? She only erased some of everyone's memories and replaced them with fake ones regarding us being involved to hide the Sacred Jewel of Soul from the Central 46 who we now know that cannot be trusted. However, it was rushed so she said she did a lousy job. Even though we can trust the Shinigamis, they're still under the jurisdiction of the Central 46. Meaning... we shouldn't get involved with the Shinigamis as well.", Yuuki said with a sad look on her face.

"The jewel is currently in the possession of Toushiro-sama, right? Then there's about Hell... there was already a plan to take it back with the help of the Shinigamis."

"Shiro doesn't know that he has the jewel, only the 7 of us know. As for taking Hell back, Mii-chan... I'll be counting on you to find other surviving members of the Shinohara clan. Once we have enough manpower, we'll take back Hell ourselves since it's our duty in the first place. We'll take over your mission of finding Shinjo-nii. Can you do it?"

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