Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Someone for Jackson

Ann entered Dixie's Cuppa Joe with Sarah and stood in line waiting to order. A large glass case showcased luscious pastries.

Sarah sighed, "I adore bear claws and they adore my thighs. But what the hell, I'm forever dieting. I might as well make it worthwhile. What would you like, Ann?"

Ann eyed the apple strudel. "I'm a sucker for anything with apples."

The customer in front of them moved on and Sarah ordered their pastries. "You want a fancy or regular coffee?"

"Just regular, and please, let me pay."

"No way, girlfriend, I invited you." Sarah ordered a house blend coffee and a caramel one for herself.

Ann spotted a vacated table in the busy coffee shop. "You want me to grab that table?"

"Yes. Put our claim on it and I'll bring our order."

After settling into their seats with a view of Main Street's two-lane traffic and cars parked at angles to the sidewalk, Ann opened little packets of hazelnut creamer and poured them into her coffee. Sarah sank her teeth into her bear claw, closed her eyes, and moaned.

Ann grinned at her friend and followed suit with her strudel. "Delicious," she mumbled. Feeling lighthearted and happy to be spending time with Sarah, she said, "Thanks for inviting me."

Sarah sipped her coffee. "We need to do this more often. It's fun to chill."

Ann nodded because her mouth was too full to reply.

Between bites, Sarah asked, "Did Jacob or Julie call you about leaving for Alaska next Sunday?"

Ann dusted crumbs off her lap. "Yes, Jacob said Sage hired one of Jackson's ranch hands to work at the Lazy M until they get back. It's all happening so fast. I'm going to miss them, but I know how much they're looking forward to spending the summer with Maude and Clyde."

Sarah said, "I called Miles to let him know their house is available. He's arriving a week after they leave. He said he's been working like a madman trying to make deadlines and he's looking forward to the change of scenery."

Ann replied, "I just bought his book. If I give it to you, would you ask him to autograph it for me?"

"Of course, but hopefully you'll be able to ask him yourself."

"I don't know. He's kind of intimidating. I'd probably lose my courage."

"I understand where you're coming from. But since I've known him for years, I see a side of him others don't." She looked sad. "He lost the use of his legs in a car accident when he was a teenager and from what I've gleaned, I think he was very athletic and in line for a football scholarship. I met his sister once and she privately told me that he wouldn't leave the house for a couple of years after the accident. Even though he's done well for himself, sometimes I sense his bitterness. But on a happier note, I think every book he's written has been a New York Times Best Seller. His last two novels were made into movies and I understand the one he's working on now is also headed for the big screen."

"How did you meet him?"

"He's friends with Charles and Sissy Johansen. They own Imaginings Publishing and although they only publish Romance novels, the industry is well connected—seems somebody knows somebody, who knows somebody, who knows...somebody." She laughed. "Anyway, I met him at a party at the Johansens. I sat next to him during dinner and I guess I had stars in my eyes because of all the famous authors. In his no nonsense manner he leaned over, raised an eyebrow, and said, 'They put their pants on one leg at a time.' Of course, I was embarrassed by being so transparent, but when I thought about what he'd said, I quickly got over being awe struck. After that, he called to ask my advice on a romance scene he was writing and we've kept in touch."

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