Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Alligator

Ann finished grinding fresh coffee and filled the basket. She poured water into the holding tank and started the brew. She wanted to make a good impression on Jackson's friend, Alligator. He'd called Jackson a few days after Molly left and said he was coming for a week's visit. His hopper plane had flown into Cortez/Montezuma Airport late the previous night, so she hadn't been at the house when he arrived.

Ann reached into the cupboard to gather pancake mix and syrup to begin preparing the man-sized breakfast she was going to serve Jackson and his friend. She had her head in the refrigerator when she heard footsteps. Pulling out a carton of eggs, she turned around with a smile that turned into a little gasp. Alligator was huge. He looked like he should be playing defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys.

Jackson said, "Annie, I'd like you to meet Al Kosky, alias Alligator. Al, this is Annie Hackstetter. She runs the household and I'd be lost without her."

Ann set the carton of eggs on the counter and extended her hand to Alligator. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Kosky." She couldn't help but notice a strange look pass across his face when he shook her hand. She wondered if her lipstick was smeared and casually rubbed a finger around her lips.

"My pleasure," he replied, his New York accent unmistakable. "But please, call me Al or Alligator."

"You must call me Ann..." she glanced at Jackson, "...or Annie."

Jackson slapped Alligator on the back. "Come on, I'll show you around. How long 'til you think breakfast will be ready, Annie?"

"About a half hour."

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Nope, I've got everything under control. You'll have the breakfast of champions when you return." She smiled at Jackson and his friend and felt that weird vibe again.

* * *

Jackson proudly took Alligator on a tour of his house now that Annie had it in tiptop condition.

Al said, "The place looks great and I like the changes to the guest bedroom. Kudos to Annie for getting rid of the frills." He chuckled. "I was becoming a little too fond of the color pink. Hey, by the way, is she living in the cottage?"

Even though Alligator tried to sound casual, Jackson wondered what his friend was getting at.

"Yeah, that's one of the perks of her job."

"So, how long has she worked for you?"

"A couple months. Why?"

"No reason."

"Okay, Alligator, something's up. You gonna spill the beans?"

"There's nothing up. I just think you're sweet on her and I want to make sure she's not a gold-digger."

"Annie, a gold-digger?" He shook his head. "If it weren't so ludicrous, I'd punch you in the mouth for even suggesting it. And, for your information, she's strictly my house manager, nothing more."

Alligator lifted an eyebrow, but didn't reply.

* * *

Ann did everything in her power to make Alligator's visit enjoyable. For a week she endured his questions that on the surface seemed casual, but appeared to be fishing for information.

She had no idea what was going on with the man and often saw Jackson giving him an irritated look. When Jackson drove him to catch his flight the Saturday after he'd arrived, she breathed a sigh of relief. The man had had her walking on eggshells the whole time he was there.

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