Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Jackson to the Rescue

"Yes!" said Alligator when Annie stepped away from the terminal.

Over the monitor they heard Kitty Puff say, "So, that's how we know the paying customers from the freeloaders. Also, the raunchy ones who just want to cop a feel."

One of the other dancers stopped in the midst of spraying her hair. "Be sure and warn her about Greasy Grover."

Kitty Puff laughed, "Oh, you can bet I will. Come on, Honey Bee, I'll show you around some more."

Jackson moved his attention to the screen displaying the dimly lit and smoky main room. Some patrons gave cat calls when the girls entered and one yelled, "Hey, Honey Bee, you're sweeter'n honey and I know you're savin' the best for last."

Kitty Puff waved. "Give us a minute, Dickey, then we'll come visit."

Jackson flexed his fists.

Alligator whispered, "Okay girls, you're almost home." He looked at Jackson. "The plan is for them to go outside for a smoke break and then head down the street where our car will pick them up."

Jackson watched the girls walk toward the bar. Kitty Puff made a smoking motion with her fingers and the bartender nodded his understanding. This was it. They were going to escape Sneak-a-Peek. They started toward the entrance. Suddenly, Billy rushed over and grabbed Kitty Puff's arm. He said, "Come with us." Another beefy guy came up beside Annie. With an escort on either side, the girls were ushered back toward the hallway.

"Oh no! What's happening?" Jackson sputtered.

"Don't panic, it could be nothing," Al said without conviction.

On the dressing room monitor they watched Kitty Puff and Honey Bee enter with the thugs. Billy looked at the other dancers and shouted, "Get out!"

With puzzled expressions, the women hastened to obey. After the door shut, Billy said, "We got orders to keep you here 'til the boss shows up. Seems someone tampered with the main computer. Somethin' happened right after the two o' yous got on the terminal. I ain't sayin' you done nothin'. I'm just sayin' the boss wants to talk to you."

"Oh crap!" said Alligator, and picked up a mic that linked to his agents' ear sets. "We got trouble. Stand by for orders."

Jackson had seen enough and when Alligator leaned over to set the mic down, he jerked the van door open and jumped out. He heard Alligator shout, "Jackson, don't be stupid!"

Dodging passersby, he headed into the crowds streaming along the sidewalk. As soon as he felt he wouldn't be seen, he ducked into a dimly lit bar and went straight for the bathroom. Inside, he ripped his coveralls off and punched speed dial on his cell phone.

Alligator answered. "Jackson, get your ass back here before you get yourself or someone else killed."

Jackson retorted, "I'm only saying this once. Call off your boys. I'm not leaving Annie's rescue to ya'll. I know what I'm doing."

Alligator hesitated and Jackson held his breath. Alligator finally said, "Okay."

Jackson wasn't dumb enough to trust Al, so after he slipped out of the bar, he blended with the crowds until he was directly across the street from Sneak-a-Peek. He crossed the street in the midst of a raucous group and reached the front door just as a scruffy looking man with determined eyes started toward him from the curb. Jackson told the bouncer, "Sure hope yer girls ain't skinny."

The bouncer grinned. "I'm sure we have one to please you, sir."

Hastily, Jackson stepped inside the smoke filled room that was now crowded. At the bar he ordered a mug of beer and swigged it. Swiveling on his stool, he got his bearings. He honed in on the hallway leading to the dressing room. Was Annie still there? His heart hammered. Suddenly, Billy and his buff buddy exited the hallway with Annie and Kitty Puff. But instead of heading into the club, they turned toward the back.

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