Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The Big Apple

Jackson sat beside Annie during the commercial flight to New York. Alligator and Agent Mahoney sat across the aisle from them. When Annie had voiced her opposition to Jackson coming with them, he'd refused to discuss it. He'd made it clear that there was no way he was staying behind. He'd also contacted his attorney and advised her of the happenings concerning Annie. The exclusive lawyer had laughed and said, "Jackson, I think your wife has made my top ten list of intriguing people. Keep me posted."

He glanced at Annie's hands folded in her lap. He wanted to cover them with his own, but he knew she would reject his advance. She only spoke to him when necessary. Well, hell, she wasn't the only one angry. She should have trusted him enough to come clean.

Leaning his head back and closing his eyes, he thought about Alligator's update on the loan shark that Jerry Hackstetter had stupidly borrowed money from. Seems the "shark" had messed with one too many bottom feeders and gotten himself murdered. After his death, another mafia boss had easily stepped into his shoes. That creep, however, made the dead boss who had extorted money from Annie look like an angel. Alligator was on the case because the FBI's inside source had gotten access to a list of suckers who'd borrowed money, and Annie's husband was on the list. When his superior had contacted him with a new assignment, he'd seen the Hackstetter name and gotten full access to Annie's file. It didn't take him long to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Jackson still couldn't believe that his timid wife had made a name for herself with the government when she'd shutdown a hack on a secure website years earlier. What she hadn't known was that the hack had actually been setup by agents infiltrating Hacker's from Hell to see just how sharp the members were. When Annie had stopped the trace and then left the group, her file had been moved to confidential status until such time as she might be needed to call on for help. That time was now.

Jackson felt Annie's head loll against his shoulder and he gazed at her sleeping face. Moving closer so she would be comfortable, he gently stroked his index finger along her jaw. He wanted to kiss her but he knew she wouldn't take kindly to that. When the overhead speakers crackled and the pilot announced their approach to JFK International, she jerked her head up and met Jackson's gaze. Quickly, she glanced away.

After disembarking, they followed Alligator and Agent Mahoney to a typical governmental vehicle waiting at curbside. Alligator explained, "We're taking you to one of our safe houses."

The ride through New York traffic was harrowing until the driver dropped them off curbside on a busy street. They walked a couple of blocks before entering a bookstore. At the back of the store, Agent Mahoney slid a keycard to open a door and they followed him down a narrow hallway to an elevator. A quick, smooth ride jetted them to another boring hallway. They followed Mahoney, with Alligator bringing up the rear, to the last door and he slid the keycard again after communicating with someone via cell phone. Inside they were met by a female officer. She said, "Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Martinez. My name is Officer Cheryl Acuff. Your room is this way." She led them to a door that opened into a windowless bedroom while Alligator and Agent Mahoney continued down the hallway.

Annie took one look at the queen size bed and said, "Mr. Martinez will require his own room."

Jackson set Annie's backpack on the bed, sighed, and nodded his agreement to Officer Acuff.

"Ah, you can follow me, Mr. Martinez." With a sad glance at Annie, he left the room.

* * *

Ann sat on the side of the bed and placed her head in her hands. Part of her wanted to sob, the other part wanted to harangue Jackson for insisting on coming with her. His presence only made things more difficult. She needed to concentrate on her objective, not continually have her stomach tied up in knots.

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