Chapter 18

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-(authors note)-
(The picture that is attached is what I imagine Rosie looks like don't mind the snapchat filter)

I decided that Rosie
will call Sherlock a parental name. I know usually John is papa and Sherlock is daddy but daddy to me seems like the actual father... so yeh. I've done it so that Sherlock is Papa and John is Daddy. Hope you enjoy!)

Rosie rolled over from her spot on the sofa where she had been napping; her hair was wild and free from her pulling and twisting it as she slept, and she was dressed only in her nappy and a tshirt which Sherlock had purchased. The pale blue shirt was one of many printed with scientific jargon and symbols on them and today's depicted the pi symbol. Reaching for her blanket and Johnny the hedgehog she rubbed at her eyes and called out for her daddy, smiling when the blonde man returned and fussed with her before giving her smoochie kisses.

The sound of the door startled Rosie who looked expectantly to the entrance.

"Mykey," the baby smiled as Mycroft entered Baker Street. Her plump little fists reaching up for her adopted uncle who was always so kind.

"Hello Rosie," Mycroft replied formally, causing John to snigger that perhaps he would offer his hand for a handshake.

"Come. Come," Rosie nodded and pointed; slipping off the sofa she reached for Mycroft's hand and led him towards her dad's chair. Mycroft, ever the genius, sat down and allowed the small child to climb up his legs to settle on his upper thigh before rubbing her face on the starched collar of his shirt with a sigh.

"Daddy?" Rosie mumbled sweetly, "Willy?"

Mycroft blanched and looked at the child and then at John who chuckled softly, "I don't think Uncle Myc has time love."

"For... for what?" Mycroft asked cautiously as John walked to the wall mounted TV and pushed in the DVD for the millionth time.

"She's become obsessed with Willy Wonka," John smiled as he watched Mycroft relax slightly, tension disappearing from his face but not from his arms which still remained stiff.

"Loompah Loompah?" Rosie asked with a massive grin, looking expectedly at Mycroft and nodding, "Loompah!"

"She wants you to sing the song," John smiled, curiously enjoying the tortured look on Mycroft's face.

"I'm-I'm afraid I don't know the lyrics," Mycroft admitted as he watched the movie begin.

Rosie shrugged and wiggled her nappy clad bum onto Mycroft, getting comfortable and slipping Johnny the hedgehog into her mouth as she sucked and relaxed into the film. Mycroft could only wrap his arm around her waist and hold her close to his body, enjoying the smell of her baby shampoo as she nuzzled further into his embrace.

Anthea frowned and stared at her boss as he hummed in his office; his hands making quick work of the piles of paperwork which had collected during his two hour break at Baker Street. Her eyebrows met in the middle as she finally recognised the song that Mycroft was singing softly.

"Sir?" Anthea started, "Are you singing the Oompah Loompah song?"

"My niece is a big fan," Mycroft smiled softly. "Would you arrange a hamper of Wonka chocolate to be sent to her please?"

"Of course sir," Anthea nodded before grinning warmly, aware that the Iceman was thawing.


Sherlock raised an eyebrow from above his newspaper as he watched Rosie stomp into the kitchen. She obviously had decided to dress herself today and her choice immediately amused Sherlock with the knowledge that John wouldn't be happy with the decision.

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